Sunday, December 20

ISIS- Israeli Secret Intelligence Service?

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By Ludwig Watzal

It's all over town: The British and American intelligence, as 
well as the Mossad, worked together to create ISIS. As a 
rumor goes, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a Jewish 
Mossad agent-actor by the name of  Simon Elliot/Elliot 
Shimon. That would mean that the Western powers are 
fighting against themselves and continue their genocidal war.
Yossi Melman/Dan Raviv referred in their book "Every Spy a 
Prince" (1990) about the Israeli Intelligence Community that 
the Prime Minister's office referred to its subordinate 
organization the Mossad as "Israeli Secret Intelligence 
Service" (ISIS) [1].
How come that Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said in a 
speech at Tel Aviv University that "ISIS is good for Israel". 
During a visit to the occupied Golan Heights defense minister
 Moshe Ya'alon said that neither ISIS nor al-Nusra front 
poses a threat to the security of Israel. The real aim of ISIS is
 Mecca and Medina. 
According to a secret "Memorandum of Understanding", that 
was published by WikiLeaks there exists a massive 
exchange of intelligence information between the NSA and 
the "Israeli SIGINT National Unit". (SIGNIT= intelligence-
gathering by interception of signals).
The NSA shares sensitive information with Israel on a regular
 basis, including information relating exclusively to American 
citizens. The Israelis can do with this information, what they 
want, as long as they do not violate US law.
"This agreement is not intended to create any legally 
enforceable rights and shall not be construed to be either an
 international agreement or a legally binding instrument 
according to international law." The Israeli side is obliged to 
"destroy upon recognition any communication contained in 
row SIGNIT provided by NSA that is either to or from an 
official of the US government." The NSA did not comment on
 specifics of these regulations.
Again, these documents are an embarrassment to the NSA 
and the American Government. The NSA scandal continues 
unabated and nobody seems to care.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:14 pm

    isreal is fake jew state ..fact dna proof
