Tuesday, October 27

ACTION ALERT: Tell these food chefs to cancel their Round Tables with Apartheid!

In November 2015 head chefs from nine famous restaurants in New York, Los Angeles, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome and Athens will spend a week cooking in Tel Aviv as part of a PR initiative to bring international prestige to Israel’s culinary scene. The Round Tables culinary show is sponsored by Israeli government ministries, the Tel Aviv Municipality and businesses operating in illegal Israeli settlements.
Over 130 civil society groups wrote to the restaurant chefs calling on them to cancel participation from this complicit initiative that whitewashes Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. So far none of them have taken the step.
The initiative is even more tasteless as it comes on the heels of brutal Israeli repression against Palestinians protesting for their rights and freedom in the Occupied Territories and inside Israel. Racist incitement by Israeli officials and public against Palestinians has reached shocking and unprecedented levels.
We are only days away from the event. You can add pressure with a principled appeal for the chefs to cancel their participation. Send them messages using Twitter or through their FB pages with the hashtag #ApartheidRoundTables and a link to the letter:
Restaurant Twitter handles and FB pages (in hyperlink):
Sample tweets you can use to tweet at the restaurants:
. [@handle] Cancel ur participation in RoundTables propaganda event while Israel oppresses Palestinians #ApartheidRoundTables
. [@handle] RoundTables propaganda event sponsored by illegal Israeli settlement business on stolen land. Cancel #ApartheidRoundTables
. [@handle] Don’t bloodstain ur restaurant’s reputation by association w/ Israeli government war crimes. Cancel #ApartheidRoundTables
. [@handle] While you dine in Tel Aviv, Israel counts how many calories Palestinians in Gaza can get. Cancel #ApartheidRoundTables
. [@handle] #ApartheidRoundTables to whitewash Israel’s crimes against Palestinians. Do not be complicit. Cancel your participation.
You can also use these great memes to bring the message home:

Please help us grow, any contribution big or small goes along way and is greatly appreciated!

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