Sunday, August 2

Another Two Palestinian Teens killed in Palestine

I24 NEWS – A Palestinian teen shot during clashes with the Israeli army in the West Bank died of his wounds early Saturday, Palestinian medical and security sources said.

The sources said 17-year-old Laith Khaldi of the Jalazon refugee camp was shot in the chest during clashes with Israeli forces near the Atara checkpoint on Friday evening and died hours later in hospital.

A spokeswoman for the Israeli army told AFP that “a Palestinian suspect hurled a Molotov cocktail at an army post in Bir Zeit. In response to the immediate danger, the soldiers fired toward the assailant, identifying a hit”.

Clashes had erupted in the West Bank on Friday after a Palestinian toddler was burnt to death as the result of an arson attack by suspected Israeli settlers.

Earlier Friday Palestinian man was killed and another wounded by Israeli gunfire in the northern Gaza Strip after they approached the border with Israel, a Palestinian medical official told AFP.

Gaza health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said 27-year-old Mohammad Al-Masri died of his wounds after being shot near the border fence west of the Beit Lahiya area.

Another man was in a moderate condition following the incident, Qudra said.

A spokeswoman for the Israeli army told AFP that “two suspects approached the security fence of the northern Gaza Strip.”

After one of the figures continued to advance even after they were ordered to halt and warning shots were fired, “the force fired toward the lower extremities of a suspect,” the spokeswoman said.

Israel maintains a security buffer zone along the inside of the Gaza border with limited access for farmers, and it is not uncommon for Palestinians to be shot after.

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