still needs to be done on Window into
Palestine. We have been going through the
blog and fixing up each post, there is a lot you can do to help
us out.
Invite your friends to like this face book page, give us your
feed back, what would you like to see on the blog, share this
post with your friends we need all the help we can get.
feed back, what would you like to see on the blog, share this
post with your friends we need all the help we can get.
It was the summer of 1996 When Window into Palestine
Started, Our 19 th year of blogging for Palestine is coming
up, next year will be our 20 th year! We have always done
our best to get the message out especially here in Canada.
We thank last months supporters, it was not much but it was
greatly appreciated given the hard times all over the globe.
greatly appreciated given the hard times all over the globe.
We need new computers to make this task easier, we are
still saving to work on and to publish a book for Palestine
with Canadian Perspective as well as continue what we do
throughout the internet.
Any thing you can help with will be much appreciated.
In Peace, Solidarity, Justice For Palestine!
Click on the donate button and give what you
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