Wednesday, November 19

Colors from Palestine and the BDS movement

Dear Friends

Resistance art is a Toronto based organization; we publish a yearly Palestinian art calendar “Colors from Palestine”. The 2015 calendar is tribute to the late Palestinian artist Ismail Shammout. The calendar includes the work of 12 talented Palestinian artists. To view and buy the calendar please follow the link

All proceeds from the sales of “Colors from Palestine” 2015 Calendar will be use to support the (Boycott, divestment and sanction) BDS campaign. The BDS campaign  needs our collective effort to succeed. Your support is a very important part of this campaign.  To help us with this effort you can buy the Calendar and spread the word about he importance of the BDS campaign to bring justice to Palestine.

To place an order by email, please emails your requests to: or call 289-469-5629

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Thank you
Resistance Art


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