The Israeli army, which can be called the Jewish Wehrmacht given its Nazi-like behavior, continues to pound the Gaza Strip from ground, sea and air. According to sources in Gaza, virtually all targets hit so far are civilian.
As many as 50 Palestinians, virtually all of them civilians, have been reported killed so far. Hundreds others were injured, many sustaining life-threatening wounds.
The scenes of mutilated and maimed children, some of whose bodies are seen protruding through the rubble of their homes, destroyed by missiles fired by American-supplied F-16 fighter jets, seem to verify the view that Israel is targeting Palestinian civilians knowingly and deliberately.
Israeli leaders and military officials are openly gloating over the high death toll among Palestinian civilians. They blame Hamas for the orgy of killing. However, virtually all Palestinians don’t buy the Israeli logic.
As we all know, this is not the first time Israel indulges in such war crimes. Israel has always been a regular perpetrator of war crimes. Indeed, one would exaggerate very little by arguing that Israel itself is a war crime or a crime against humanity.
I am not going to spend time refuting Israeli hasbara lies, blaming Hamas for the latest conflagration. Having been a vigilant observer of Israeli behavior for several decades, I can honestly argue that honesty and Israel cannot really be used in the same sentence. Israel and honesty are an eternal oxymoron.
As always, Israel violated the uneasy truce reached through Egyptian mediation in 2012. Israeli leaders, proceeding from the Talmudic ideology which views all non-Jews as lesser human beings or virtual animals, don’t feel bound by agreements or treaties reached with “Goyem.”

We don’t need and won’t accept lectures about the “humanity and civility” of the Nazis of our time.
Hamas and other Palestinian resistance groups don’t constitute an existential threat to Israel, which has one of the strongest military machines in the world.
In fact, the claim that Gaza is threatening Israel is infinitely ridiculous. The thoroughly-starved and hermetically blockaded Gazans have a hard time feeding their children, let alone pose any meaningful threat to the Nazi Germany of our time, a pugnacious state that more or less tightly controls the most powerful country under the sun, the United States.
It is sad and lamentable that a country of 320 million has allowed itself to be enslaved by Zionist pressure groups, hell-bent on prostituting America and eviscerating it of any semblance of morality for Israel’s sake.
Palestinians have to resist Jewish terror
But the Palestinians cannot take their very survival for granted. They can’t rely on the so-called international community to shield them against Jewish Nazism.
Indeed, if the Palestinians don’t defend themselves, who is going to defend them? Obama? Merkel? Or Putin?
Hence, the valiant Palestinian determination to put up a semblance of resistance to the Jewish Wehrmacht. The Israeli assault on Gaza is not an assault on Hamas; it is rather a nefarious aggression against the entire Palestinian people. It is intended to break our people’s will to resist Israeli Nazism. Pure and simple.
To put the matter in a nutshell, the Palestinians are simply defending themselves against an overwhelming evil force that is hell bent on ethnically cleansing them and stealing their motherland. Our fighters don’t fire their home-made missiles on Israel because they want to spill Jewish blood. They do it because this is the only means they possess to deter a cannibalistic enemy that can only feel good if and when it spills Palestinian blood.
Besides, the problem with Israel didn’t begin last week or last year.
Just remember that many of the people being now bombarded and murdered by the Jewish Wehrmacht are actually children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the original Palestinian refugees that Israel massacred or brutally expelled out of their homes when the evil state was created in Palestine in 1948.
Hence, the Palestinians cannot really be terrorists if only because they were never the initiator of violence and terror. The Palestinians were living peaceably in their towns and villages, mostly leading a simple pastoral life until waves of Khazari Jews, who had no real connection with the ancient Israelites, invaded Palestine with the aid of Western countries, especially the evil empire, the United Kingdom.
Yes, it was Britain that put the venomous Jewish snake in the bed of the Palestinian child. Britain, as Noam Chomsky wisely said, cannot claim innocence or argue that it didn’t know the snake was so poisonous.
Surviving by dying
Today, Palestinians are sacrificing their lives for their freedom, dignity and survival. This is what they have always been doing from time immemorial. We are very much children of martyrs who were themselves children of martyrs. We survived despite a harsh history of plots and conspiracies that aimed to eradicate us as a people from the face of earth.
We will survive the latest Israeli blitz as well.
However, the world community ought to feel ashamed for watching the Nazi Germany of our time gang up on a defenseless people whose only crime is that it is not part of “the holy tribe.”
This conspicuously immoral world, which doesn’t have any modicum of respect, will surely have a precarious future. It will face ultimate demise.
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