Wednesday, July 23

August 2: Standing with Gaza! Get on the bus to DC

I am writing to ask you to help the upcoming August 2 National March on Washington to Stop the Massacre in Gaza.
This is one of those moments in history that grassroots actions can become a real factor in the calculations and policies of governments.
Buses are coming to DC on August 2from all over. People are also coming by car, car caravans, train and many are even flying to join this historic event in solidarity with the besieged Palestinian people.
Each bus from New York City costs $2,400. From New Haven the cost is $2,500. From Philadelphia it is about $1,500.
We are also producing materials: flyers, posters, logistical materials and more. 
Volunteers are working around the clock to make this happen. There is now an amazing grassroots response as people are taking to the streets throughout the country and the world.
You can make your tax-deductible donation online right now to help this mobilization of the people succeed.
If you prefer to write a check you can do by making it payable to ANSWER/Progress Unity Fund and mail to 617 Florida Ave., NW, Lower Level, Washington DC 20001. Again, all donations are tax-deductible.
We must continue to act together to stop the war crimes and crimes against humanity being perpetrated against our sisters and brothers in Gaza by the Israeli war machine. We, the people of the United States, will stand together on August 2 in front of the White House and demand an end to all U.S. aid to Israel.
Let Gaza Live!
Brian Becker signature
Brian Becker
National Coordinator ANSWER Coalition

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