Friday, April 11

Mazin Qumsiyeh Back In Palestine

My short trip to the USA and Canada was encouraging as all 12 talks I gave were well attended including schools, churches and civic centers. I also visited museums to get additional ideas and collaborations for continuing work in our nascent Palestine Museum of Natural History. The Sabeel Conference in Portland also had 400 people. Much work for peace and justice is being done everywhere.  I saw that in Victoria, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Chico, San Francisco, etc. I am especially encouraged by the growth of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement ( around teh world.

Back in Palestine and working on research, teaching and clinical service. Today (Friday) and tomorrow I plan to take field trips to observe nature and collect data to add to the research we are doing on biodiversity (I acquired some new equipment for the work). I would love for those who are in Palestine to join us and/or get together and plan other collective work for Palestine (political, cultural, scientific, clinical etc).  For those outside, you are encouraged to visit us and join in the rewarding work for progress, for peace, and for justice.

Indian Country Today: On Native Americans and Native Palestinians
(The map of shrinking native lands in the US is one that inspired me and my son to do the shrinking map of Palestine 13 years ago and that is now a meme that spread and is used everywhere. Shared with our friend Stan)

Khalil Nakhleh on Oslo replacing liberation with economic neo-colonialism
(this also adds to the weight of evidence that Oslo was catastrophic for the cause of peace with justice and that is way past time we discard it and build a model for liberation and justice. Existing factions must take heed or new factions must be established.)

(A Jewish Magazine starts an investigation and uncovers amazing data)
26 Billion Bucks: The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered
Part I-  Donors Give More to [Apartheid] Israel Than to Education
(note: the issue is not Jewish charity, the issue is hijacking charity to serve oppression and ethnic cleansing in the name of Judaism and to promote exclusivist ideas)

Mazin Qumsiyeh

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