Wednesday, April 30

15-year-old Palestinian violently arrested by Israeli forces and the treatment of other Palestinian Children

On the 27th of April, four Palestinian boys were detained in al-Khalil (Hebron) at checkpoint 55.

Three YAS (Youth Against Settlements) members arrived at the scene, and tried to document the incident. While filming they were harassed by several settlers from nearby illegal settlements, this led to the YAS volunteers being detained by Israeli forces for over one hour.
Three of the boys were allowed to leave, while one was held back. One of the Israeli soldiers loaded his weapon with live ammunition and threatened to shoot the 15-year old Palestinian, who still didn’t know why he was being held.
The arrest was very violent, as the Palestinian boy was pushed and kicked several times.
YAS activists called the DCO (District Coordination Officer- legal collaboration between Israeli and Palestinian authorities) to inform them about the arrest of a young teenager.
The Israeli Police then contacted the DCO, and tried to misinform them about the situation – denying that the arrest was happening.
The Palestinian boy was then taken to a nearby Police Station, still not knowing the circumstances of his arrest. His current situation is unknown.
The harassment and detention of Palestinian children is unfortunately common in al-Khalil. On Wednesday 23rd of April, Israeli Border Police detained a 6-year-old boy.

Two days later on the 25th April, the Hebron Christian 

Peacemakers Team documented Israeli soldiers detaining 

an 8-year-old boy.


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