Tuesday, March 11


Orthodox Rabbis, holocaust survivors and descendents of survivors, held a press conference in Berlin January 27, 2014 in response to a memorial ceremony, held at Auschwitz by 69 Israeli politicians, who warned of rising anti-Semitism in Europe.
The Rabbis found it repugnant that the State of Israel, whose founders refused to rescue Jews while the Holocaust was happening, should be commemorating the Holocaust. Read More

This is a follow up press release to the above:

February 25, 2014 – New York City

The Rabbinical Council of Neturei Karta International issued the 

following statement:

The Zionists are now demanding that the Palestinians recognize the 

State of Israel as "a Jewish state" and "the nation state of the 

Jewish people".

But authentic Torah Jews around the world declare that the 

State of Israel is a Zionist state, not a "Jewish" state; likewise, 

the name "Israel" is a false and hijacked name.

Judaism means subservience to the Almighty and acceptance of the 

Torah. Zionism means nationalism and is totally contradictory to 

the tenets of Judaism. Furthermore, Judaism teaches that we are in 

exile by Divine decree and are forbidden to create our own 

sovereignty. We must act humbly toward all nations. We must not 

make any attempts to leave exile, until the day when the Almighty 

alone will redeem us, without any human intervention, as He 

promised. And the Torah forbids us to kill, steal or harm others in 

any manner. Therefore, on all accounts, Zionism is contrary to 


Authentic Religious Jewish leaders have always opposed the 

existence of the State of Israel. As Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinky, 

Chief Rabbi of Palestine, states in a declaration to the United 

Nations in 1947: "We furthermore wish to express our definite 

opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine". (The Rabbis 

Speak Out, The 130-year Record of Religious Jewish Opposition to 

Zionism, p. 81)

This new Zionist demand that the world recognize them as a Jewish 

state is a double act of theft. The Zionists want to cement their 

expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948 by forcing them to, in effect, 

forfeit their right of return to their ancestral land. And likewise 

they are once again attempting to steal the Jewish identity from the 

true Jewish people: the people who keep the Almighty's laws and 

waits in exile in obedience to His decree.

Among all the crimes Zionists have committed over the years 

against the Palestinians and against faithful Jews, one of their worst 

has been their false appropriation of Jewish identity, symbolized by 

their use of the name "Israel" - the Biblical name of the Jewish 

people. By acting in our name, they implicate us in their offenses 

and drag us into their conflicts.

Faithful Orthodox Jews throughout the world have always been 

embarrassed by the Zionist State and its claim to act in their name. 

The current Zionist demand that the world recognize it as the 

official Jewish state only adds to the insult.

On the contrary… we ask the world to recognize that the Zionist 

state is not a "Jewish" state, has no connection with the Jewish 

people, and it has no right to use the name "Israel".

May we live to see true peace under a Palestinian state, in which 

Jews and Palestinians will live side by side in harmony as they did 

in centuries past.  Amen.

For more information visit www.nkusa.org, or 


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