Tuesday, January 21

Not all Canadian Jews are participating in the euphoria of Stephen Harper and Benyamin Netanyahu’s mutual adulation

I sent the following letter to the editor of the Globe and Mail. I hope they publish it.


Re: PM Harper’s visit to Israel

I am a proud Jewish Canadian and not celebrating 

Lest the public get the idea that all Canadian Jews are participating in the euphoria of Stephen Harper and Benyamin Netanyahu’s mutual adulation, let me set the record straight: many are not. We stand outraged that the Canadian government is ignoring its own professed policies of condemnation of illegal settlements and support for Palestinian rights. We understand that the wellbeing of both Palestinians and Israelis depends on stopping Israeli policies of occupation, expropriation, displacement and incarceration; as well as ending the hatred, human rights abuses, terror and violence arising from all sides. The aspirations of both peoples will only be achieved with dramatically different approaches, and sadly Canada stands in the way. I am full of hope that Canadians will think better the next time they head for federal elections.

Dr. Ricardo Grinspun
Department of Economics, York University

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