Wednesday, January 22

Canada's Action Plan : 'This is the million-dollar shot!' Tory MP cries out to join Harper photo op in Israel

Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, a site holy in Judaism – and his MPs wanted to be part of the action

Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, a site holy in Judaism – and his MPs wanted to be part of the action.
One, Conservative MP Mark Adler, was pressing to the edge of the media area where photographers watched, and pleaded with one of Mr. Harper’s aides, Jeremy Hunt, to be let past the security barrier to be part of the photo op.
The video below shows Mr. Harper at the wall – and Mr. Adler’s voice can be clearly heard.
“Jeremy! Jeremy! Can I get in?” Mr. Adler said.
“No,” Mr. Hunt replied.
“It’s the re-election! This is the million-dollar shot.”
He then asked Mr. Hunt to bring Mr. Harper over to shake hands later. In the end, after Mr. Harper had started to walk away from the wall, Mr. Adler and another Tory, Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver, were allowed past the barrier, and scrambled to have their photos taken with the Prime Minister.
Mr. Harper and contingent of 208 people, including Canadian politicians, religious leaders and business executives, are on a week-long trip to Israel and Jordan all paid by the tax payers while the unemployment rate jumps at home in Canada.


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