Saturday, January 25

AIPAC Senator may face jail for helping gangsters

Senator Menendez under investigation for ties to fugitive bankers

 … by  Press TV,  Tehran

AIPAC has been busy little bees lately
AIPAC has been busy little bees lately
Editors Note:  Surprise, surprise...up pops the annoucement of what has had to be a long running investigation, and a sensitive one with a Democratic White house having a criminal investigation of an well known senator.
Are we finally seeing some pay back by Obama for those working with AIPAC to punish him for not towing the AIPAC line on Syria and Iran?
What is not reported in the Press TV piece below is the current corruption inside Congress is not limited to being sock puppets for the the Jewish Lobby crowd.  AIPAC rents out their sock puppets to others to help cover the costs. 
Menenedez seems to have helped two major bank fraud guys, who snagged $660 million, to a soft landing here in the land of opportunity. Menendez's office claims the Isaias brothers were politically persecuted. Isn't that special ?
The drug cartels are major political funders of Congress now, compliments of the Bush era Supreme Court that opened the flood gates for overseas donators...and come they did.  Everybody that needs a favor, like protection from hiding offshore oil company profits, knows where to where to go to get things taken care of.
The senators who sided with AIPAC against Obama to torpedo the Iran nuclear talks are being funding by gambling interests like Sheldon Adelson, and oil barron manipulators like the Koch brothers who have paid out a bundle to keep oil prices way higher than real demand would support.
AIPAC is the traffic cop for a lot of these deals, everything from organ theft, prostitution and a conduit for the cartel money. The Intel community has watched this in horror for years now, thinking that it could not get worse, but it did. That was mostly due to the Lobby folks being able to offer effectively immunity for anybody that played ball with them. It is called political obstruction of justice.
So that is the big mystery question for us. Why Mendendez, and why now...when there were so many to pick from, including Republicans who excel in their own corruption? AIPAC is an equal opportunity employer.
You can bet we will be beating the bushes to find out a little more about this. And I will wager that our esteemed Congress will have looked upon William and Roberto Isaias and their $660 million dollars as a pinata from heaven... Jim W. Dean ]

-  First  published  January 24th,  2014  -

The Brothers Isaias - Big time bank robbers
The Brothers Isaias – Big time bank robbers, says Ecuador
US Senator Robert Menendez, the key architect of unilateral sanctions against Iran, is under criminal investigation for his connection with two Florida businessmen who are fugitives from Ecuador, a report says.
According to WNBC, the Justice Department is investigating the hawkish senator’s ties to brothers William and Roberto Isaias, who are wanted in Ecuador for embezzlement.
The Isaias brothers, who ran Ecuador’s largest bank, were convicted of embezzling more than $660 million during Ecuador’s banking crisis in 1999. They moved to the US in 2000.
The Department of Justice is investigating whether Menendez, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, intervened with Homeland Security and the State Department to help the duo escape extradition, the report said.
The office of Sen. Menendez has denied the report.
“Our office works each year with literally hundreds of individuals and families from across the country who are seeking help with the immigration process,” Menendez’s communications director Tricia Enright told the Hill in an email. “We review each and every request we receive, and if we feel any inquiry is appropriate, we make it.”
“In this particular case, Senator Menendez believed the Isaias family had been politically persecuted in Ecuador, including through the confiscation of media outlets they owned which were critical of the government. We are not aware of any inquiry into the Senator’s actions on this matter.”
The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW), a watchdog group in Washington, has put Sen. Menendez on the list of 13 most corrupt members of Congress. The watchdog put Menendez on the list last year because of accusations that he did favors for a friend and campaign donor, Salomon Melgen, and accepted rides on his private plane without disclosing them.
Editors Note:  Sal Melgen is no slouch. He has had his offices searched twice over an $8 million Medicare 'billing dispute'. And being a generous soul, he donated $700,000 to a super PAC affiliated with House Speaker Harry Reid, where Menendez got most of the money. Isn't that special? Welcome to the best Congress that money can buy folks.]
Similarly, in November 2012, the Daily Caller reported that Menendez had contact with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic. The senator, however, has never faced prosecution over the allegations.
In late December, Menendez and Sen. Mark Kirk, who is also accused of corruption and lying about his military record in Iraq, introduced a sanctions bill against Iran over its nuclear energy program.
Fifty-nine senators—including 16 Democrats—have signed onto the sanctions legislation. The White House, however, has threatened to veto the measure if it passes Congress.

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