Monday, December 23

Why would AIPAC protect Saudis from 9/11 probe?

9/11 is one of the greatest murder mysteries of all time.

Kevin Barrett

Now a new 9/11 mystery has arisen in Washington: Why hasn’t Congress quickly responded to last week’s emergency request by Congressmen Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) for a Congressional resolution demanding that President Obama declassify the full Joint Congressional Report on 9/11?
Lynch and Jones termed the redacted material, which was classified by former President Bush in 2002, as “shocking.” They confirmed what Senator Bob Graham, Chair of the Joint 9/11 Investigation, had already revealed: The report implicates one or more foreign intelligence agencies in the planning and execution of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
In other words, Bush hid the fact that one or more foreign countries attacked the US on 9/11. His pretext: “National security.” But how could concealing the true identities of the 9/11 perpetrators possibly protect national security?!
Now Congress, faced with evidence that President Bush covered up a mass murder – or even an act of war – is doing nothing. Why isn’t Bush being indicted? Why won’t Congress accede to the simple request by Lynch and Jones? Because, according to VT’s Congressional sources, the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is putting the screws on Congress to bury the whole affair.
Which raises another burning question: Why would AIPAC want to protect the Saudis? The many “leaks” bandied about (or should we say Bandared about) in the mainstream media all point to the Saudis as the culprits who attacked America on 9/11, according to the Joint Congressional Report’s redacted pages. Yet Israel is lobbying Congress to cover it up.
Are the leaks blaming the Saudis a misdirection ploy? Could it be that the “one or more” foreign intelligence agencies involved in the planning and execution of 9/11 included the Israeli Mossad?
Look at where the “blame the Saudis” leaks are coming from. Paul Sperry, author of the New York Post article on the Lynch and Jones request, works for the Hoover Institute, an Israel-affiliated neocon think tank. The Post itself is one of New York’s several Israeli propaganda outfits that pose as newspapers. Sperry claims that “unnamed CIA sources” told him the redacted pages of the Joint Report implicate the Saudis. Do those “CIA sources” really think the Saudis have the covert-ops capacity, political clout, and motive to attack the US and get away with it? Or is Sperry, and his real or imaginary sources, doing what the Hoover Institute and the New York Post always do: Fronting for Israel?
Dr. Alan Sabrosky, the former Director of Studies of the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College, says that only the Israeli Mossad – world champions of false-flag terror and reckless covert operations – had the capability to coordinate the 9/11 attacks. Even more obvious is that only Israel had a motive: Of all the countries that might have wanted to stage a spectacular attack on the US, Sabrosky says, “Israel is the only one that had a positive incentive. They had something to gain from it, from the American response to it. Whereas for everyone else, they could hurt us, but they might themselves be the subject of retribution afterwards, and there’s nothing positive coming out of it.”
Orchestrating a huge terror attack blamed on Israel’s Arab and Muslim enemies makes perfect strategic sense for Israel…and absolutely no sense for any other country on earth.
Of course, we know that the Saudis and Israelis have many common interests. They even have a history of false-flag terror collaboration, as we learned when Bandar Bush’s Saudi intelligence front “al-Nusra” set off chemical weapons in al-Ghouta…and then Israel mobilized all its assets to try to force the US to bomb Syria.
Whatever the ultimate truth of 9/11 may be, one thing is clear: If the redacted pages of the 2002 Joint Congressional Investigation really do show that one or more foreign intelligence agencies planned and executed the attacks of September 11th, 2001, ex-President Bush is guilty of obstruction of justice…and maybe high treason or worse. There could be no innocent “national security” reason for hiding the identities of the 9/11 attackers from the world.
By lobbying Congress to bury the issue, AIPAC also appears to be committing obstruction of justice.
If Congress continues to refuse to act on the request by Reps. Lynch and Jones to pass a resolution demanding the declassification of the full Joint Congressional Report, it too will be committing obstruction of justice.

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1 comment:

    Bush Knocked Down the Towers
    The war criminal can't leave the country without fear of arrest. He's guilty of High Treason.
    All roads lead to Mossad. It's going to get messy as the Patriots take the country back.
    The terrorists are inside the Beltway. Everyone is going to get that through their head real soon now, ya hear!
