Sunday, December 29

Mazin Qumsiyeh Writes About The American Studies Association & More

Contents of this email: BDS and other Palestine solidarity actions
continue and expand even in Western countries despite the malicious efforts of the Israel lobby (see especially the replica of the 30 foot/10 meter Israeli annexation and expansion apartheid wall built in central London); a response to the propaganda of zionist Danny Ayalon;
as great video on Palestinian children suffering under Jewish settler
attacks; A video worth watching on empathy; US plans to follow Israeli demands and make the West Bank like Gaza; pictures of Damascus, a beautiful Arab city; a video of Haifa (a city that was occupied in 1948, most of its residents expelled, and transformed into a bustling Israeli city); videos of Gaza for comparison (most of its residents are refugees). Pick and choose what you like to view at the end of this year but most important try to do at least one action.

Amazing: Replica Palestine Separation Wall Built in Central London-
'Bethlehem Unwrapped'

Israel Lobby Launches Fierce Counterattack Against American Studies Association

Good Open Letter to Trinity College President and Dean about their
poor letter to ASA

Action: American Studies Association caucus seeks support against
campaign to discredit ASA (ideas for action)
(please take action by writing to media and politicians and posting on
facebook etc.)

Empathy explained in 10 minutes

Defence for Children Palestine video highlights settler terror against
Palestinian families

US plans “Gazafication” of the West Bank

Damascus, Syria - Jasmine City - دمشق مدينة الياسمين

Life in Haifa
Life in Gaza (which houses one million refugees that come from cities
like Asqalan and Jaffa and Haifa after the 1948 ethnic cleansing)

BDS Success: Dutch water company terminates relationship with
Apartheid Israel company Mekerot following government advice

The REAL truth about Palestine in response to Danny Ayalon

Why is Gaza suffering disproportionately from the latest storm (I made
the same points earlier to several radio broadcasts around the world)

Stay human

Mazin Qumsiyeh,
Professor at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People
Al-Rowwad Children Theater Center
Technology Transfer Association
Higher Council on Excellence and Innovation
Author of several books including “Sharing the Land of Canaan” and
“Popular Resistance in Palestine”
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at Home
Beit Sahour, Palestine

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