Saturday, November 23

No sanctions on Israel was the real ‘Historic Mistake’

Dimona…mostly underground

… by  Jim W. Dean   with  Press TV, Tehran

Early Dimona nuclear bomb core model - photo credit..Mordecai Vanunu
Early Dimona nuclear bomb core model – photo credit..Mordecai Vanunu
Netanyahu and his Congressional puppets are correct that the world is facing a historic mistake. They just have it upside down.
We would never be where we are now if the world had imposed sanctions on Israel for its long-running and huge weapons of mass destruction programs.
The West thus ended up being a major proliferator itself in spite of all the rhetoric to the contrary.
This has been an insult to literally all the people of the world, and the responsibility primarily of the West, who aided and abetted in the Israeli nuclear programs.
The French displayed their long habit of knowing no shame when they made the outrageous statement on their visit to Israel that nuclear non-proliferation was a top foreign policy issue for them.
Perhaps Mr. Hollande and his foreign minister would like to have a town hall meeting with some experts that Veterans Today could put together to lay out in detail how France was a nuclear proliferator when they began their own nuclear weapons programs, partnering with the Israelis after the 1948 war.
The bookend for that outrageous denial is that we know they have been working on the Saudi nuke program for over ten years, with Israel assisting in the wings. They somewhat copied Dimona with an all underground facility.
We have put the sanctions on the wrong people. The “protectors of freedom” betrayed us, but there is change in the air.
The world sat back during the last P5+1 talks and watched the former French colonial power get colonized by Israel. The French in effect gave Israel, which is not a member of the NPT, a seat at the P5+1 table.
They gave the biggest WMD threat in the Mideast a veto over that last meeting, buying more time for the US Congress to get more sanctions passed, disenfranchising all the rest of us. If France has become an Israeli spy, can we take action? Should we?
France's Hollande 'kissing the ring'
France’s Hollande  – ‘Kissing the ring’
I think France should be held in contempt for this act, and for their nuclear work with the Saudis. Why have the international public forums been silent on this when they must have known, also? They make a mockery of Western Jurisprudence, which perhaps is its due. But that is not the fault of the people, but their corrupt leaders.
So here we sit on the eve of the talks, having endured Israel’s full-scale attack on what is literally a critically important peace process. The attack on Syria is out of the question now with the chemical weapons agreement flowing along smoothly.
If Obama had gone forward with the attack, he would have wrecked his presidency and set the Mideast afire. Treason here played a role in leading up to it, and that has been dealt with quietly.
On Sunday, Americans were humiliated to see the Israeli settler terrorist, Minister of Economy Naftali Bennett, get red carpet treatment from CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. He got ten minutes to role out his propaganda pitch, which I suffered through, lie after lie, until he got to his close with the BIG LIE.
Naftali is a Zionist supremacist, who thinks the rest of us are so stupid that we don’t remember that everything Israel has ever said about Iran’s nuclear energy program proved to be dead wrong.
Naftali Bennett
Naftali Bennett
But in Zioland, a perfect record at lying is never viewed as creating a credibility problem.
Bennett had the Zionist chutzpah to claim that the danger of Iran being allowed to have any reprocessed uranium is that at some time in the future they could decide to ‘break out,’ meaning build a bomb – are you all sitting down? – in six weeks!
I swear that he actually said this.
Dear Naftali, I picked up that you guys had switch from your six-‘month’ breakout spiel propaganda of earlier in the year, and just changed it to six ‘weeks.’ Yes, I remembered.
You know who runs the media over here, don’t you Mr. Bennett? Maybe you are stupid, or lying, but you did not fool us.
There is some good news. Despite the huffing and puffing of Israel’s shills in Congress, both Obama and Lavrov did a tag team match on Netanyahu’s last-ditch propaganda campaign using the ‘historic mistake’ pitch.
The mood is cautiously optimistic for the new Iran talks on Wednesday. The Israeli lobby got some lip service over the past two weeks but they are not running the show.
As for France, I still think the P5+1 should become the P4+1 by kicking France out. She has enough to deal with at home and brings no prestige, good judgment or common sense to the table.
France will be remembered as openly working as a threat against all the rest of us. I hope Iran does not give France a single oil concession because of this treachery. Is France shaking down the other group members as in “give me some money to be good?” Nothing would surprise me. Israel is surely going to ask for a lot. It always does.
VT's nuclear expert - Clinton Bastin
VT’s nuclear expert – Clinton Bastin
But Israel and the Saudis are the number one suspects in the Iran embassy bombing in Beirut.
We did not miss the signal being sent by both that although they did not get their Syria war, that if they don’t get their Iran war, they will just have to pick a new target.
The Al-Nusrats already did their ‘we’re coming to your neighborhood’ press conference last week, threatening to carry the war to the West if they are defeated in Syria.
That is what those innocent people in Beirut died for. They were messengers for what other cities could look like if ruthless Israel teams up with the ruthless Saudi Arabia to really go into the Western mayhem business.
I am looking forward to when the Iran issue is finally put to bed, to moving on to doing the post-WWII Japan treatment on Israel, demilitarizing the country. The Israelis should not be allowed to own weapons. They are just too irresponsible.

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