There are few Zionist organizations more dedicated to ethnic cleansing for so long as the Jewish National Fund. From its beginnings more than a century ago, its declared purpose was to acquire land for the Zionist project in Palestine and to displace the indigenous Palestinian non-Jewish (Christian and Muslim) population.
It is therefore appropriate that exposure of JNF ethnic cleansing schemes – including encroachment into remaining Palestinian lands in throughout historic Palestine – should be on display just a five-minute walk from the Denver Grand Hyatt, where the JNF delegates are celebrating Palestinian expulsion and plotting to finish the job.
The bus ad appears on two of the 39 buses that are the only motor vehicles permitted on the 16th Steet Mall, which is less than two blocks from the hotel and the natural destination for guests that want to venture outside the hotel. Of course, they are also present for all of Denver to see, and for those that don't make it to the mall, our partners, the Colorado BDS Campaign have placed ten ads in the Denver light rail system. In both cases, interested persons are directed to the websites, notaxdollarstoisrael.com and ColoradoBDSCampaign.org for more information.
Colorado BDS is also having a very busy weekend of events, following the JNF to its meeting with Governor Hickenlooper and to their hotel in order to remind the delegates of the price paid by the people of Palestine so that Zionists can create and expand an apartheid Jewish state in place of the Palestinian homeland.
The Free Palestine Movement is proud to use the funds you donated in order to make this statement. We have used the funds to set up and finance No Tax Dollars To Israel, and we will continue to provide these funds for this purpose for as long as you are willing to send them.
For more information, see A Tacit Admission that Israel is Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians
If you wish to donate to the general fund of the Free Palestine Movement, please go to
If you wish to donate specifically to the advertising efforts of No Tax Dollars To Israel, please go to
Donations are US tax deductible in either case.
Thank you.
The FPM Team
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