Sunday, October 20

Egyptians tell Israel to stuff its holocaust award

A member of the family of the first Arab honoured by Israel for risking his life to save Jews during the holocaust says the family isn’t interested in the recognition, the Associated Press news agency reports.
The Egyptian doctor, Mohamed Helmy, was honoured posthumously in September by Israel’s Vad Yashem holocaust memorial for hiding Jews in Berlin during the Nazis’ genocide, but a family member tracked down by AP in Cairo said her relatives wouldn’t accept the award.
“If any other country offered to honour Helmy, we would have been happy with it,” Mervat Hassan, the wife of Helmy’s great-nephew, told the news agency.
In a demonstration of grand hypocrisy, on 20 October Vad Yashem, which denies the Palestinian nakba and does not recognize that non-Jews also suffered at the hands of the Nazis, criticized the family’s decision. “We regret that political sentiment seems to have overcome the human aspect and hope one day that the latter will prevail,” the Jewish supremacists said in a written statement, as reported by AP.
Mohamed Helmy was in fact the exact opposite of what Israel and the hypocrites of the holocaust industry stand for. As Mervat Hassan told AP, “Helmy was not picking a certain nationality, race or religion to help. He treated patients regardless of who they were,” she said.
That is a world away from the supremacist apartheid state of Israel.


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