Saturday, September 7


AIPAC Conference Promotes War   by Stephen Lendman
By Gilad Atzmon 
Israeli Ynet reports tonight on AIPAC’s relentless efforts to push America into a war.
“Though US Congress is pressured by the American public to vote against a US military intervention in Syria, Israel’s most ardent supporters in AIPAC urge Congress representatives to vote in favor of an intervention”.
Ynet writes that in the past Israel has “refrained from pushing US into war, and Jerusalem and AIPAC have thus far kept silent regarding Syria, but in recent days Israel decided to voice its support of an attack.
Ynet reveals the operative plan. “Some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists, intend to storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution authorizing US strikes against Syria.”
For the first time in modern history, in the open, the Jewish Lobby together with the Jewish State are pushing for a war that can easily escalate into a global conflict. Yet, I am slightly perplexed, as to whether these warmongers grasp what could be the consequences of such a war: do these Jewish campaigners really want to bear responsibility for the death of many innocent people? Can’t they see that they pressure the American Congress to act against the will of the American people? Are they still concerned with antisemitism, because their acts can bring total disaster on their fellow Jews
Watching the scale of the Jewish pro war campaign should lead us to consider the possibility that Jewish politics (not just Israeli politics) is a grave threat to world peace.
The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics,  available on

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