Monday, August 26

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?
by Stephen Lendman
Israel partners with Washington’s regional wars. A separate article said America and Britain may attack Syria in days. 
Perhaps other NATO partners and Israel will be involved. Hawkish Israeli comments suggest it. On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel’s “finger is on the pulse” of what’s ongoing. It need be, it’ll move to the trigger.
Shimon Peres called for joint action “to remove all chemical weapons from Syria.” International Relations/Intelligence/Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said it’s “crystal clear” Assad used chemical weapons last week.
It’s not the first time, he added. He lied saying so. What’s happening in Syria shows “how dangerous it is if Iran is able to complete its military nuclear project and produce atomic bombs,” he added.
He called on world leaders to stop Assad. On the one hand, he said Israel won’t interfere in Arab world turmoil.
On the other, he omitted explaining Israel’s longstanding  involvement. He said Tel Aviv’s “prepared for any scenario.” 
Israel’s a serial aggressor. It’s history is bloodstained. It prioritizes disproportionate force. It targets civilians like combatants.
Steinitz barely stopped short of suggesting Israel plans war on Syria. Throughout 2013, it acted provocatively. It’s involved in terrorist attacks on Lebanon. It’s targeting Hezbollah. It’s stoking sectarian conflict.
Since hostilities began in March 2011, Israel launched several cross-border ground attacks. It made one or more incursions. It conducted four air attacks. It likely plans more.
Doing so reflects lawless aggression. They’re Israeli and US specialties. They suggest more coming.
Some observers believe Israel will attack Hezbollah and Syria. Doing so may coincide with Washington’s intervention. Iran may follow. 
Longstanding plans prioritize regime change. Israel’s Greater Middle East Agenda matters most. It wants regional rivals removed. It seeks territorial expansion. It wants unchallenged dominance. Washington wants it globally.
Syria, Lebanon and Iran are targeted. Longstanding US/Israeli plans call for regime change. War is the strategy of choice. 
Israel may be poised to attack like America. Perhaps they’ll act jointly. Doing so will embroil the entire region. It risks greater global conflict.
In late July, Israel’s UN envoy Ron Prosor warned about attacking Syria. If “provocations” continue, he said, “Israel will have no choice but to respond accordingly.”
“I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Assad has chemical weapons.”  
“The situation is made all the more dangerous by the fact that Assad has received advanced weapons systems that Israel simply cannot allow.”
Israel is nuclear armed and dangerous. It stockpiled formidable chemical and biological weapons. 
It uses banned weapons in all its conflicts. It’s involved in destabilizing Syria.
In May, General Amir Eshel said Israel’s poised for a large-scale assault. If Assad falls, it’s to prevent advanced weapons reaching extremist insurgents and Hezbollah, he said.
He stopped short of explaining Israel’s role in stoking conflict. He stressed its armed forces are ready to act. Doing so perhaps suggests imminent intervention. Partnering with Washington and Britain appear likely.
Expect surgical strikes if launched. Targets perhaps include airfields, command and control facilities, arms and weapons caches, fuel sources, tanks, other mobile military units, and civilian sites. 
Iraqi and Libyan ones were attacked. Terror bombings struck roads, bridges, other infrastructure, schools, hospitals, power stations, commercial sites, and other non-military targets. Mass casualties resulted.
On August 26, Haaretz headlined “Senior Israeli team in Washington as US prepares for possible Syria attack,” saying:
National Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror heads it. He arrived on Monday. He came for high-level political and security talks. He’s meeting with senior US officials.
Doing so was planned weeks ago. Current conditions suggest urgency. They’re ongoing ahead of reported planned joint US/UK strikes. Launching them may come in days.
Perhaps Israel’s involved. It won’t surprise. It’s been readying for months. According to Haaretz:
“(T)alks were to center on coordinating positions and a joint preparation for a possible escalation in Syria following an American military strike.”
Iran and Hezbollah will be discussed. Longstanding plans call for regime change in both countries.
Haaretz said “Amidror was joined by Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, head of the diplomatic security department at the Defense Ministry; Nimrod Shefer, head of the Israel Defense Forces planning department; Itai Baron, head of the research division in Military Intelligence; Jeremy Issacharoff, head of the strategy department in the Foreign Ministry, and senior officials from the Shin Bet.”
Soon to retire Washington ambassador Michael Oren’s involved. They’re meeting with National Security Advisor Susan Rice, as well as senior National Security Council, State Department, Pentagon and intelligence officials.
America’s Israeli ambassador Dan Shapiro’s involved. Talks began Sunday night. Ahead of them, Netanyahu convened a security cabinet meeting.
Discussion focused on last Wednesday’s chemical weapons attack. An unnamed Israeli official said various scenarios were considered. He stopped short of suggesting Israel plans war on Syria.
He said “(t)he defense establishment’s assessment is that the likelihood of a Syrian response against Israel following an American attack is low.” 
“Nevertheless, when something like this starts, you don’t know how it’s liable to develop, and therefore we need to be ready and set policy in advance.”
Perhaps Israel plans attacking preemptively. It won’t be the first time. For sure not the last. It’s longstanding Israeli policy. 
It replicates how America wages war. It reflects out-of-control belligerence. It reserves the right to use weapons of mass destruction preemptively. 
It believes war is peace. It ravages one nation after another. It invents reasons for doing so. It’s poised to attack Syria. Perhaps it’s partnered with Israel to wage war.
On August 26, Israel’s Hebrew language newspaper Yediot Ahronotheadlined “On the Way to the Attack.” It showed images of Obama and Assad. 
Last April, Israel’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (AMAN) proposed war on Syria. It urged large-scale US air and ground attacks.
It wants Syria’s chemical weapons secured. It stopped short of suggesting direct Israeli involvement. Perhaps it’s planned now. It may not be long to find out.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 
His new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.”
Visit his blog site at 
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