Friday, May 24


OK ..... let's get one thing straight .... NOT ALL SO-CALLED JEWISH GROUPS SPEAK FOR ALL JEWS! Having said that, let me be specific ... The Simon Wiesenthal Center DOES NOT speak for me. Their comparisons to nazi Germany in the report below is totally off base. Instead of seeing zionism foe what it is, instead of condemning Israel for continually using nazi tactics to eliminate the Palestinian people, they condemn those that are trying to stop this .... they should look in the mirror before they look elsewhere.
See for yourself in the following pathetic report blasting the Electronic Intifada ...
"Surely they should be feted as a vehicle for peace, rather than voices for conflict such as electronic intifadas. Intifada brought suicide terrorism to the cities and streets of Israel...From the Middle East, the scourge of indiscriminate murder in the name of Jihad was to spread across the globe, even targeting sports—most recently at the Boston Marathon.”
Jewish Group Blasts 'Electronic-Intifada' for Sports Boycott
“Ideological forebearers of today's racists, in Nazi Germany had 'ethnically cleansed' sports, as blatantly demonstrated in 1936 Olympics.”
The Simon Wiesenthal Center sent a letter to the Union of European Football Association (UEFA), slamming the call by ‘’ for the sportsassociation to boycott the state of Israel.
Director for International Relations at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Shimon Samuels, wrote the letter to UEFA President Michel Platini, in response to the Arab group’s call to the UEFA to "remove its Under-21 European Championship from Israel, where it is scheduled to play from 5 to 18 June." 
Samuels argued that, "'' is, apparently, an arm to wage a boycott of the Jewish State through universities, trade unions, cultural agencies, NGOs and, indeed, sport." 
"The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has long been active in combating racism and hate, especially in European and Latin American football," he said. 
"On the pitch and from its terraces, Jews, Blacks, Muslims and migrants share the taunts of neo-Nazis,” the letter noted. 
“The ideological forebearers of today's racists, in Nazi Germany had 'ethnically cleansed' sports, as blatantly demonstrated in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.” 
“Jews especially, were the object of boycott as Hitler Youth stormed their stores to the screams of 'Kaufen nicht bei Juden' (Buy not from Jews)! Anti-Jewish boycott has now returned, in the guise of the so-called 'B.D.S.' (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) campaign to delegitimize the State of Israel,” it continued. 
“Its latest emanation will gather on Friday, 24 May, outside the UEFA Congress inLondon, where extreme-left and Islamist radicals will join the extreme-right in anti-Semitic calls to cancel the UEFA Under-21 European Championship and to agitate for member football associations to boycott the event.”
Samuels pointed out that "the '11 Key Values' of UEFA's mission statement include: 'respect for diversity... tolerance against racism and violence... football unites people and transcends differences." 
The letter highlighted "a little known factor inculcating these values, which are the Israeli-Arab football clubs, hailed by fans throughout the Arab world — best known among them, is an Israel State Cup Champion, B’nei Sakhnin. In 2004, they became the first Arab team to ever play in Europe—it was the UEFA Cup. Their Doha Stadium in the Galilee was financed by the Emir of Qatar. The acclaimed 2010 documentary, 'After the Cup: Sons of Sakhnin United', features Arabs from Israel, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, attending the Cup match." 
"Surely they should be feted as a vehicle for peace, rather than voices for conflict such as electronic intifadas. Intifada brought suicide terrorism to the cities and streets of Israel...From the Middle East, the scourge of indiscriminate murder in the name of Jihad was to spread across the globe, even targeting sports—most recently at the Boston Marathon,” it continued. 
Samuels stressed that, "'Intifada' has become a fig leaf for terrorists, as 'anti-Zionism' is a cover for anti-Semitism; threats and boycotts from electronic intifadas are tantamount to incitement to violence," suggesting, "When these target Europeanfootball, UEFA must act to condemn them in the name of its '11 key values'." 
"Our Centre congratulates UEFA in selecting Israel for its 2013 Under-21European Championship and wishes the best to all the participating teams. May this Championship make the beautiful game a force for peace, rather than bringing the Middle East conflict onto its pitch and terraces," concluded Samuels.
From my ziocrap file

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