Wednesday, May 8

Israeli forces attack Christians

It has a been a very busy time here and so we did not have a chance to send the weekly update last week.  Israeli forces attacked Syria and the US administration said they support this violation of International law.  Israeli forces violently attacked Palestinian Christians near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Easter (Eastern Christian Calendar) and prevented most of us from entering Jerusalem and the US administration stayed silent.

  Israel forces attacked a number of Palestinian villages and evicted many from their homes last week claiming their need to do “military excercizes.”  In Nebi Saleh where I and some students stayed overnight in the home of Bassem and Nariman Tamimi and their lovely four children including Ahed amimi the girl who was given a bravery award for standing up to soldiers who took her brother (see video below) and her brother who was shot (another incident).  We were doing some environmental/biodiversity work but witnessed attacks including firing incendiary tear gas canisters that set fields on fire and broke windowns of the Tamimi’s home.  Villagers are still prevented from accessing their water spring.  All these attacks remind us that Zionism as a colonial settler movement is incompatible with peace. Israel spoils Easter celebrations by Palestinian Christians 

When Israeli denial of Palestinian existence becomes genocidal by Ilan Pappe

Brave Palestinian girl Ahed Tamimi vs Soldier : Where is my brother? Livre de Mazin Qumsiyeh : « Une histoire populaire de la Résistance palestinienne » File Response to CREF’s Refusal to Allow Vote on Divestment From Companies Supporting Human Rights Abuses BBC documentary (by a Jewish Zionist reporter) on Jewish settlers and Jewish and christian Zionists. Though biased, it does show the mentality of colonial settlers on stolen Palestinian lands How Damascene Jews Hope to Return... to Normalcy by Franklin Lamb IDF Rabbinate shows non-Jews the door in mezuzah book ruling: A book endorsed last year by IDF’s chief rabbi, Brig. Gen. Rabbi Rafi Peretz, says the presence of non-Jews is no reason for an army base not to affix mezuzahs - which are fixed to doorposts by Jews as a sign of faith- to its buildings Cuando las piedras gritan (When the stones cry out): A spanish language report on forms of resistance in Palestine. Es tan difícil escribir desde Palestina intentando que el mundo entienda la magnitud e inhumanidad de la injusticia y el despojo que aquí se cometen a diario… The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans Africa) Jewish security organization violently assaults two women protesters; one protester left in concussion Revealed: World customs body hires Israeli arms firm Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

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