Friday, February 8

Help Us Get To 10,000 Signatures - Boycott L'Oreal!

The BDS For The Return Campaign is pleased to report that the Boycott
Petition to L'Oreal has gathered 7180 signatures as of this moment. We will
submit the petition by certified mail to L'Oreal once the petition has
gathered 10,000 signatures. The BDS For The Return Campaign will follow that
up with updated submissions to the company and other actions thereafter. For
now, please help us get to the 10,000 signature target. Please sign the
petition if you haven't, and invite all your contacts to do the same.

The petition is posted at

Please spread this message. Share, Tweet and Email All Your Contacts!

Onward Until Return!
BDS For The Return Campaign Page on Facebook:!/BdsForTheReturn
The town of Migdal HaEmek was built on the ruins of the Palestinian village of
Al-Mujaydil (المْجيدل) which was depopulated of its Palestinian Arab
residents by the invading Zionists in 1948. The village, which is located
near Nazareth in the northern part of Palestine, was rebuilt and renamed
Migdal HaEmek and now has 24,000 Jewish settlers living in it. Prior to the
ethnic cleansing and destruction of Al-Mujaydil, 18,165 out of 18,836
dounams of the land of al-Mujaydil were privately owned by Palestinian
Arabs, and the remainder was largely public village lands. The villagers
were expelled and have since been denied their right to return to their
homes and lands. L'Oreal's plant is located on private illegally occupied
land, and was erected without permission of its owners. Thus, the company is
conducting business in violation of international law. It is trespassing on
privately-owned property.

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition calls on all its members
and supporters to demand that L'Oreal shut down and dismantle its plants in
Israel and stop profiting from its operations on land stolen from
Palestinian refugees without permission of the owners. Please sign the
 at and boycott all L'Oreal products.
Help us spread this message.

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return CoalitionPO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442

BDS For The Return Campaign Page on Facebook:!/BdsForTheReturn


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