Saturday, January 12

New York Times accidentally prints honest headline error has now been corrected thanks to Israeli Lobby

A New York Times headline accidentally told the truth today about Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, before it was ‘fixed.’

The screenshots prove it: New York Times altered headline to remove words “Israeli-occupied”

Submitted by Ali Abunimah 

Cached image of New York Times story before headline was changed to omit words “Israeli-occupied West Bank.”
New York Times headline accidentally told the truth today about Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, before it was ‘fixed.’
The story is about today’s action by Palestinians to establish a village called Bab Al Shamson land that Israel has seized for construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.
The original headline read “Palestinians Set Up Camp in Israeli-Occupied West Bank Territory.” Later, the headline was altered to remove the words “Israeli-occupied.” It now reads “Palestinians Set Up Tents Where Israel Plans Homes.”
The website shows that the original headline was posted at 1:09 PM EST. It was discovered to have been changed at 7:10 PM EST.
A key goal of Israeli propaganda is to eliminate the term “occupied” from media coverage of Israel’s, well, occupation. Many media have adopted terms like “disputed” that grant false legitimacy to Israeli claims to the land which are totally null and void in international law.
The Times article still describes the area as “hotly contested piece of Israeli-occupied West Bank territory known as E1.” And yes, I’ve taken a screenshot in case they decide to change that too.

How the headline appears after the change.
Thanks to Twitter user @JamieSW for spotting.

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