Wednesday, November 21

BICOM suppresses critical voices in UK to Israel’s favour

Press Tv - The British main stream media, which give Israeli regime’s authorities every podium they need to express their biased attitudes of world issues, are mainly dedicated and partly funded by pro-Israeli lobby groups inside the UK political circles.

BICOM, the Britain Israel Communication and Research Centre, is one of those bodies established by the Labour Friends of Israel, a powerful pro-Israeli lobby group inside the Labour party, which is dedicated to promote support for Israel in the UK. 

BICOM runs the News desk for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Sky News, the Financial Times (FT), and newspapers such as the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Mirror and various news organizations, which are official Israeli propaganda outlet inside the UK. 

Last year, an email, sent by Lorna Fitzsimons, the director of BICOM, “dedicated to creating a more supportive environment for Israel in Britain”, was leaked to alternative media and left the body red faced. It said: “Throughout the weekend, Bicom staff were in contact with a whole host of BBC and Sky news desks and journalists, ensuring that the most objectively favourable line was taken, and offering talking heads, relevant to the stories unfolding.” 

The pro-Israeli apparatus usually organizes social media delegation of UK bloggers to the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories and links them with key figures inside the Zionist entity, as well as senior figures in the Palestinian Authority. They are taught how to distort facts on the ground and publish the news in the best interest of Israeli regime. 

BICOM is well-known for taking British politicians and other influential figures on propaganda tours to occupied Palestine to meet Israeli figures. For an instance, BICOM paid for Adam Werritty, the disgraced advisor of former UK defence minister Liam Fox in 2009 to attend an Israeli conference to speak about Iran. 

BICOM, which is also well-known for having anti-Iran sabotage plans high on its agenda, collaborated earlier this year with the state-controlled British Office of Communication (Ofcom) to block the alternative English-language channel Press TV in the UK, and therefore eliminate a critical voice that had managed to attract a big audience inside Britain. 

BICOM, meanwhile, organizes counter demonstrations in the UK to overshadow the protests by supporters of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against companies complicit in Israeli apartheid, occupation and militarism. 


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