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Imaging Apartheid is a Montreal-based initiative with a global reach aimed at
bringing awareness and support to the Palestinian struggle for liberation
through the production and dissemination of poster art. We are a small
collective of artists and activists who strongly believe in the intersection of
art and politics as a means of advancing social change. Though this project?s
focus is on the pressing issue of Israeli Apartheid, we also recognize the
development of a global state of apartheid and aim to contribute to the
dialogue of resistance against it.
Recently Imaging Apartheid launched our first four silk screen poster prints in
collaboration with Justseeds Artists' Cooperative, which are all now available
to order on-line via the links below. If you are involved with an activist
collective, group or organization that would like to distribute or put up
Imaging Apartheid posters in your city please do get in touch at
* The Uprooting Of The Olive Trees
Jamaa al-Yad artist collective, Beirut, Lebanon.
"Always remain standing no matter what happens" -- This design is part of a
poster series originally published in a Lebanese newsprint periodical
documenting the crimes and criminals of apartheid Palestine. The theme involved
daily life in Palestine, with references to those profiting from the occupation
of Palestine. Lebanese proverbs are used to show solidarity and speak
metaphorically of the eventual triumph of justice.
* Wall
Jason Kuhrt, Montreal, Quebec.
Jason Kuhrt, is a designer based in Montreal, Canada. This poster, wall, was
created for IMAGING APARTHEID: the poster project for Palestine. It challenges
a wall being built by Israel which divides itself from the West Bank.
* Visit Palestine
Amer Shomali, Zan Studio, Ramallah, Palestine.
This poster is a remix of a postcard illustrated by Franz Krause in 1936. Amer
Shomali is a member of Zan Studio, a Ramallah-based open space for young
professional artists and technicians working on projects that interact with
their social and political environment.
* Apartheid Wall
Eric Drooker, San Francisco, California
Eric Drooker is an award winning painter and graphic novelist born and raised
in Manhattan NY, United States.
Imaging Apartheid project
writer | community activist | musician
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