I have noticed in the footage coming out of Syria the big guns mounted in the backs of pickup trucks. We can all remember those from the Libyan regime change. What this tells me is that the industrial war complex’s CIA and Mossad have effectively enacted black ops wherein the US government is secretly purchasing these weapons and smuggling them to the Al Qaeda that make up the insurgency in Syria. To think otherwise is just plain foolish.
The thing is this Zionist controlled government, masquerading as representative of we the people, no longer cares what we think past the point that we might actually take up our arms and put a stop to their international reign of terror.
The thing is this Zionist controlled government, masquerading as representative of we the people, no longer cares what we think past the point that we might actually take up our arms and put a stop to their international reign of terror.
In short, they will continue to do whatever they think they can get away with. And when it reaches the point that these traitors believe they have the sufficient control mechanisms in place, they will push the envelope.
The intent is further Middle Eastern invasion precipitated by the Israelis to be enforced by the United States. One would have to be naïve to think that the governments of Russia and China are not as acutely aware of this reality as we the common folk are.
The stage is being set for a third world war. The goal? Population reduction and further concentration of wealth to the world Zionists who believe they have made sufficient preparation to insure their survival.
If this hell is unleashed upon the peoples of the world, our number one goal as humanity should be to seek out the Zionist elite in every quarter and make sure they are the first to die as a result of the evil they have perpetuated. If this were to occur, a third world war would die out overnight as it is the nature of common folk to just want to live and be left alone and leave others to do the same. It is the instigators who are always the cause for two strangers to try to kill one another without any understanding as to the reason why.
Let’s see, there was World War I, the War to End All Wars and then World War II, a continuation of the War to End all Wars. Why is it when there are wars they are always sold as killing to achieve peace? And now we are looking at World War III.
What is the saying? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. But then is it the wars that represent the insanity, or the evil manipulation that precipitates them?
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