The Israeli regime, as well as international banks, corporations and arms dealers, all of which have a very “symbiotic relationship” with Zionist Israel, determine US foreign policy, says an analyst.
Press TV has conducted an interview with political commentator, Mark Dankof to further discuss the issue.
The program also offers the opinions of two other guests: former American Intelligence Linguist, Scott Rickard and Iraq war veteran, Mike Prysner.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Mark Dankof, welcome, this Gallop poll was important enough to make the subject of this news analysis because the finding is pretty alarming I would think. Tell us what you think? It’s a dismal reading on the United States as a whole in which Americans, 75 percent of them are dissatisfied with the way things are going. Why do you think that is?
Dankof: Well, there are a number of very obvious reasons why they should be dissatisfied, in the first place you have a circumstance where the Israeli lobby and the international bankers Are getting ready to expand the American military involvement in the Middle East.
We are already at war at low levels with Syria and Iran. This could well blossom into a full-blown regional war in the Middle East or a third world war. Both Obama and Mr. Romney are supportive of all of these dangerous moves that are being foisted upon us by the Israeli lobby.
Then of course there is the economy, there is the 17 trillion dollar national debt, there is the decline in the manufacturing sector of the American economy which was once the strongest in the world.
You have a situation where the federal government is running a trillion-dollar budget deficit where the actual unemployment rate in the United States according to Paul Craig Roberts is 22 percent and where there is no sense that either Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney has any idea as to how to get us out of this situation.
Because frankly the people who have put us there are bankrolling elections, buying elections, controlling both of the major political parties and the news media and until people understand the specifics of who is behind this and why, we’re going to continue to flounder.
Press TV: Mark Dankof, war-spending is reflected in this deficit I would think and that’s something that has not decreased again looking at this its increased by 70 billion dollars in July to top one trillion dollars for the fourth straight year.
Now this is not to slam the US in every shape or form but there has got to be some direction given here. It doesn’t seem to be given and it keeps driving the US into the ground, meanwhile the Americans inside this country are- well, when 35 to 50 million people are on food stamps something is not going right. Why aren’t there ways to tackle this to that would bring results?
Dankof: I think chiefly because of what has already been alluded to by both of the other guests. One if you look at the political process and who controls it and who controls the money and who controls the media, the American public is just floundering for some sort of solution as how to proceed with anything that could be implemented at the ballot box.
When you start looking at the possibilities for a third party in this country, those possibilities up to now have gone nowhere because third parties have trouble getting on to ballots, because the Republicans and the Democrats write the ballot access laws in all 50 states.
You have a lack of corporate money that is not going to be made available to these third parties for very obvious reasons and then the corporately-owned American news media is not going to give coverage to third party candidates of either left or right in this country who understand that the central core issues involve things like the Federal Reserve board, fiat money being printed by the Fed, fractional reserve banking and this continued utilization among other things of governmental money to bail out these crooks that had been cheating us and robbing us blind.
I’ll just give one example that’s a most obvious one. Look at Mr. Romney’s and look at Mr. Romney’s running mate, Paul Ryan. [Former New Jersey Superior Court Judge] Andrew Napolitano has a piece at Lew Rockwell today which underscores Paul Ryan’s actual voting record. Here’s a guy who voted for the TARP bailout; he voted for the GM bailout; he has voted for a series of these other bailouts in recent years.
He has voted to give a credit card approval to ongoing American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; he has voted for these patriot acts and these other things, including the National Defense Authorization Act, which has basically moved America even further along the direction of becoming a domestic police state.
So whether you’re looking at the Democratic Party or the Republican Party again I think it’s clear to all of the guys on this show today that when you start talking about the banks, you start talking about the people who own our news media and who buy our elections, you start talking about the AIPAC and their control of American foreign policy.
It all adds up to a situation where less than ‘one percent of the population is winning’ and approximately 99 percent of the population is losing.
The problem is that the 99 percent don’t really have a real obvious political strategy to pursue to get some people elected in this country left or right that will actually move us in a better and more positive direction both for people abroad who need not be attacked by any more American military forces and these imperial ventures and for people in this country that are sick of being ripped off, they’re sick of losing their loved ones in wars that are not in our national interests and they simply want their lives and their families and their communities and their livelihoods back.
Obama is not going to do it for them; Mr. Romney is not going to do it for them, the question is where do we go from here?
Press TV: Mark Dankoff, we need to find out the direction as you mentioned in a question of where the US is going to go perhaps then I could ask you finally here with the upcoming elections what is going to happen? Who do you think is going to win and give us the prospects of the person winning of where the US will be headed?
Dankof: I think regardless of who wins that the United States is going to be headed in the same direction which is more spending, more debt, more economic decline and more wars specifically on behalf of the international bakers who are overwhelmingly Jewish in composition.
On behalf of the corporate news media, five of the six major corporate news media outlets in the United States were Jewish-owned.
And when we get into the whole question of our foreign policy and why we continue to involve ourselves in these wars, [veteran Israeli diplomat] Oded Yinon’s thesis in 1982, [British-American historian, Oriental studies scholar and political commentator] Bernard Lewis’ thesis in September of 1996, the Clean Break strategy for securing the realm document of 1996 and clearly what has transpired since then in regard to everything that Obama and Mr. Romney have said and that they are in the process of saying that they will do if they return to office indicates that our foreign policy is driven by Israel, by the banks and by the, yes multinational corporations and by the arms dealers, all of whom have a very symbiotic relationship with Zionist Israel and what is overwhelmingly and provingly a Jewish-dominated international banking system.
This does not change regardless of who wins this election and I predict that the United States will be involved in a wider war in the Middle East within 18 months of the presidential election.
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