Monday, August 27

Garbage over garbage , a painful sight in the holidays in Jerusalem

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Silwan awash with waste as Municipality denies garbage collection during holiday season
As Ramadan 2012 draws to a close, garbage is piled high throughout the streets of East Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Municipality continues to refuse thousands of tax-paying Palestinian residents of the city basic council services such as rubbish collection, forcing many to take waste disposal into their own hands and burn their rubbish in garbage cans. Ein al-Adha, the feast marking the end of Ramadan, was clouded with dangerous smoke this year, composed not only of waste from Palestinian residents, but additional waste dumped in their garbage cans by Israeli settlers.
The Jerusalem Municipality has not collected waste from Silwan (with the exception of settlement facilities) since last Thursday, 16 August. While Municipality waste workers visited Silwan on Monday and Tuesday of this week, they ignored the majority of waste lying on the ground, only a small portion of which has been able to be cleaned up by youth community efforts.


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