Sunday, July 15

A reconsideration of the controversial $9 Billion Israel foreign aid bill Tuesday?

Israeli Air Force to Conduct Training Exercises in United States Under Fast-Tracked Aid Bill
House to reconsider controversial $9 Billion Israel foreign aid bill Tuesday July 17th
By Martin Hill
July 15, 2012

If the U.S. House and Senate get their way, which by all accounts appears to be a certainty without massive unexpected opposition, the military of a foreign government will soon be conducting air force "training and exercise opportunities" within the United States.
I know- you've heard a lot about the Israel $9 Billion dollar aid bill. But did you know that hidden in it was a provision that would allow the Israeli military to conduct combat exercises in the United States? The good news is that it has not completed the legislative process- it's not yet a done deal, so there is still time to try and stop it. The statistical chances of accomplishing this aside, it should still be opposed. As Frederick Douglass so aptly put it in 1857, "Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground".
The U.S. Congress is set to revisit the "United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012" this coming Tuesday, July 17th. The House passed their original version,H.R.4133, on May 9, with only two congressman dissenting- Ron Paul and Democrat John Dingell of Michigan. The Senate passed its version S. 2165 in a unanimous voice vote June 29th.
Among the more noteworthy aspects of the bill are the U.S. government's plan to "Offer the Air Force of Israel additional training and exercise opportunities in the United States", "expand cooperation between the United States Government and the Government of Israel in homeland security, counter-terrorism...(etc.)" and to sell "surplus defense items" from the Iraq conflict to Israel.
The legislative website reports that S. 2165 was 'Received in the House' on July 9th at 2:02pm and 'Held at the desk' the same day at 6:26pm. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who was a sponsor of the House version, has posted his "Weekly Schedule" and noted that they will consider the legislation on this coming Tuesday, July 17th "under suspension of the rules".
Now I don't claim to understand, or even care about the myriad of their monkey business jibberish rules and regs. [You can read about them here.] But there is no doubt that this $9 billion dollars in loan guarantees along with hundreds of millions more in military equipment to Israel will be railroaded through with no objection or debate. (The Senate took literally six seconds to scoot it along in June 29th). However, opponents of this measure still have the opportunity to have their voice heard. You can find and contact your Congressional soundrals by clicking here.
The best way to find information on this bill is to go to the official website, and type in the bill name or number yourself. You can type in the "United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012", or S.2165 or H.R.4133.
The "OFFICIAL TITLE AS INTRODUCED" is listed as "A bill to enhance strategic cooperation between the United States and Israel, and for other purposes." Section 5B of the bill explains that "Extension of Loan Guarantees to Israel", which are set to expire on 'September 30, 2011', will have a new expiration date of 'September 30, 2015'.
"Fiscal conservative" Rand Paul pledges $9+ Billion to Israel on the backs of American taxpayers
UPDATE 7/14/12: I spoke with Rand Paul's Senate office in D.C. to inquire about this matter: Rand Paul remains silent on $9 Billion dollar giveway to Israel
The red-herring of Rand Paul's "proposed foreign aid cuts"
"Yes, Paul proposed a very good bill, S.162, to cut foreign aid, on 3/25/11; and he should keep on that path. The bill went nowhere, however. So that single attempt does not exonerate Paul from sticking to his purported position of no foreign aid in the future. In actuality, Paul could have gotten more attention to this important issue by opposing S.2165, the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012, on June 29th. That is where the issue of foreign aid currently stands- not on some failed bill from almost 2 years ago. If he is sincere about cutting foreign aid, Rand Paul can not simply rest on what can't even be considered laurels (past successes)."
Martin Hill is a Catholic paleoconservative and civil rights advocate. His work has been featured on, WhatReallyHappened, Infowars, PrisonPlanet, National Motorists Association, WorldNetDaily, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI 640, The Press Enterprise,,, FreedomsPhoenix, Rense, BlackBoxVoting, and many others. Archives can be found at

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