Wednesday, June 27

Shin Bet exploit family to pressure detainees?

Ynet 26 June -- ...The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) has released a report claiming that Israeli security agents arrest and threaten to arrest or hurt detainees' relatives -- who often have no connection to the crimes allegedly committed by the suspects -- in order to entice the detainees to cooperate with the investigation ...  The report quotes one of the complainants, a resident of the West Bank town of Qabatiya, as saying that his interrogator threatened to arrest his mother and 16-year-old brother. The latter was indeed detained for 20 days, and was freed shortly after the complainant confessed to the accusations brought against him. According to the report, the boy was arrested solely for the purpose of pressuring his brother.  Another detainee lamented that his interrogators refused to let him know what had happened to his 2-year-old son, who was sleeping next to him while he was arrested in the dead of night.,7340,L-4247834,00.html

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