Friday, June 1

John McCain Confronted About USS Liberty Cover-up Memorial Day 2012


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  1. Anonymous10:35 am

    When are we going to quit pitying the "poor jews" and kick the ass of the zionist sons of bitches that perpatrated these murders?

  2. Anonymous9:04 pm

    That's the F'n problem. People have been led to believe that Israel is a nation founded as a safe refuge for Jews because of the Holocaust and a place where they would be safe from such atrocities again. But who founded Israel? Check out the rap sheet of David ben Gurion and the rest of his Zionist mob. This pack of miscreants have played the anti-semite card just right and the guilt ridden Americans and other stupid nations around the globe bought into that lie. If you criticize Israel you are an anti-Semite (according to the Zionist propoganda). Now THEY are the Middle East NAZIs and are worse toward the Palestinian s than the third Reich was toward the European Jews. and yet, our idiot, Zionist puppet regime SUPPORTS Israel no matter what!

  3. Anonymous8:13 am

    Pigs. Behold the lie and the deception within the lie. NO rapture. All is a lie created to allow the Christian wesyern nations to lie fallow while the Zionists plow the earth under their hooves.
