Monday, June 11

Eva Bartlett at Beit Zatoun - Thursday, June 14, @ 7pm - Children of Gaza

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~Children of Gaza: An eye witness accountThursday, June 14 @ 7 pm
Eva Bartlett has witnessed the events and suffering depicted in the current Beit Zatoun exhibition of drawings by children from Gaza. Eva is a Canadian and volunteer with ISM (International Solidarity Movement). She has seen Gaza and its children as perhaps few westerners have. She arrived a month before Operation Cast Lead was launched in Dec. 2008 with all its horrific consequences. She witnessed first-hand the massive destruction and participated in ambulance rescue efforts. Of the more than 1400 dead, 313 were children. Untold numbers more were injured and scarred for life.
Eva spent a total of 3 years in Gaza. She has a unique vantage point and a gift for sharing her experiences and insights. For this event, Eva will focus on the children of Gaza. Through the many photographs she took during her stay we get to meet the children in good and in bad times and the many instances of courage and hope in the lives of the children of Gaza. To learn more.

The exhibition of children's drawings: A Child's View from Gaza continues to Sunday, June 24
A collection of 26 drawings created by children (ages 5 to 14) from Gaza taking art therapy classes to help them cope with the events and aftermath of Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009 which devastated many lives and left Gaza in rubble. Each drawing is striking in its honesty and the details included in each drawing reflect the often complex trauma of the child artist.A Child's View from Gaza tells a story of children who are forced to witness horrors and how they try to make sense of their experience through art. This is part of a pan-Canadian tour organized by Canadians for Justice and Peace in Middle East (CJPME). To learn more.

Regular viewing hours are Thursday/Friday: Noon to 6pm and Saturday/Sunday: Noon to 5pm.

Meet you at Beit Zatoun!
612 Markham St. (1 door south of Bloor - at Bathurst subway) ~ 647-726-9500
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