The U.S.S. Liberty after the Israeli sneak attack which murdered 34 Americans and wounded 171 others.
Memorial Day is to honor the American military and in particular those members of the military who’ve died or were wounded in battle.
By Bob Johnson
Editor’s note: Today, Vice President Biden said that if you attack the United States we will hunt you down. We are waiting, Mr. Vice President.
There are 33 American military members and one American civilian contractor who died terrifying horrific deaths and 174 Americans who were horribly wounded due to Israel’s sneak attack on the virtually unarmed American intelligence ship the U.S.S. Liberty on June 8, 1967.
These dead and wounded men were deemed useless to the U.S. political whores in Washington. That is why the cowardly war-mongering Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, after ordering American fighter jets that were on their way to save the Americans on the U.S.S. Liberty from their Jewish butchers back to their carriers said, “President [Lyndon] Johnson is not going to go to war or embarrass an American ally over a few sailors.”
The tragic case of the U.S.S. Liberty should teach any American who is in the military or who is thinking about joining the military about who is really running the show and who they really are or will be fighting for. The politicians owe the only thing they care about, their meaningless political careers, to the Israel lobby and theJewish dominated media. They look at Americans in the U.S. military as pawns they can use to promote their political careers. Not only will the U.S. military be used to advance Israel and its stooges in the White House and Congress with no regard for the welfare of American military personnel, the politicians will NOT use the American military to protect American citizens from Israeli violence.
America has not learned its U.S.S. Liberty lesson. Things have actually gotten much worse. Now, instead of one American ship being

Neocon war-pig Paul Wolfowitz signs an autograph for a naive wounded soldier at a steak dinner in Washington. The Iraq War was fought for Israel's and U.S. politicians' benefit.
attacked by the terrorist state of Israel, our entire military is used to fight wars for Israel’s benefit. Case in point is Iraq. The Iraq War was spurred forward by the Jewish neoconservative Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. He was the one who first suggested it to goy-boy George W. Bush. And Wolfowitz had the gall to play wounded American vets for fools by buying them stake dinners in Washington and signing autographs (as shown at right) for the trusting and unsuspecting pawns.
Today we are coming very close to showing that we are still just as unthinking and naive as ever by moving closer to a war that will greatly benefit Israel and harm America and the rest of the world. This time the war will be with Iran. Currently the politicians are going through the same routine as they did in the build up for the unnecessary war for Israel’s benefit with Iraq. They are holding talks with the Iranians over Iran’s nuclear program. Even though it takes uranium enrichment of 90 percent to be usable for a nuclear weapon and Iran hasn’t come anywhere close to that, the media and government are squawking that Iran already has enough enriched uranium to build five nuclear bombs! Add to this the fact that Israel already has a growing nuclear stockpile, submarines to deliver them virtually from anywhere on the globe and also has biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction and no U.S. politician or any politician in Europe, Canada or Australia is calling for open inspections of Israeli REAL AND EXISTING WMD and it becomes painfully crystal clear that we have learned absolutely nothing from the Israeli sneak attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. We have not learned that Israel’s inhumane brutality and raw aggression exhibited on the men of the U.S.S. Liberty instructs thinking minds that Israel should NEVER be allowed to have WMD of any kind. If America had learned its lesson from the martyrs of the U.S.S. Liberty we would not only immediately cut all aid and support for the Jewish state, we would go in an disarm it.
Below is a list of the dead from the Israeli sneak attack on the U.S.S. Liberty on June 8, 1967. We owe it to each and everyone of them to learn from this avoidable mistake.
LCDR Philip McCutcheon Armstrong, Jr. Navy Cross
LT James Cecil Pierce
LT Stephen Spencer Toth, Silver Star
CT3 William Bernard Allenbaugh
SN Gary Ray Blanchard
CT2 Allen Merle Blue
QM3 Francis Brown
CT2 Ronnie Jordan Campbell
CT2 Jerry Leroy Converse
CT2 Robert Burton Eisenberg
CT2 Jerry Lee Gross
CT1 Curtis Alan Graves
CTSN Lawrence Pasul Hayden
CT1 Warren Edward Hersey
CT3 Alan (NMN) Higgins
SN Carl Lewis Hoar
CT2 Richard Walter Keene, Jr.
CTSN James Lee Lenau
CTC Raymond Eugene Linn
CT1 James Mahlon Lupton
CT3 Duane Rowe Marggraf
CTSN David Walter Marlborough
CT2 Anthony Peter Mendle
CTSN Carl Christian Nygren
SGT Jack Lewis Raper, USMC
CPL Edward Emory Rehmeyer, III, USMC
IFCN David (NMN) Skolak
CT1 John Caleb Smith, Jr.
CTC Melvin Douglas Smith
PC2 John Clarence Spicher
GMG3 Alexander Neil Thompson, Jr.
CT3 Thomas Ray Thornton
CT3 Philippe Charles Tiedke
CT1 Frederick James Walton
LT James Cecil Pierce
LT Stephen Spencer Toth, Silver Star
CT3 William Bernard Allenbaugh
SN Gary Ray Blanchard
CT2 Allen Merle Blue
QM3 Francis Brown
CT2 Ronnie Jordan Campbell
CT2 Jerry Leroy Converse
CT2 Robert Burton Eisenberg
CT2 Jerry Lee Gross
CT1 Curtis Alan Graves
CTSN Lawrence Pasul Hayden
CT1 Warren Edward Hersey
CT3 Alan (NMN) Higgins
SN Carl Lewis Hoar
CT2 Richard Walter Keene, Jr.
CTSN James Lee Lenau
CTC Raymond Eugene Linn
CT1 James Mahlon Lupton
CT3 Duane Rowe Marggraf
CTSN David Walter Marlborough
CT2 Anthony Peter Mendle
CTSN Carl Christian Nygren
SGT Jack Lewis Raper, USMC
CPL Edward Emory Rehmeyer, III, USMC
IFCN David (NMN) Skolak
CT1 John Caleb Smith, Jr.
CTC Melvin Douglas Smith
PC2 John Clarence Spicher
GMG3 Alexander Neil Thompson, Jr.
CT3 Thomas Ray Thornton
CT3 Philippe Charles Tiedke
CT1 Frederick James Walton
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