Wednesday, May 30

Israel's Netanyahu Seeks Tougher Nuclear Demands on Iran

WRH - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran must be forced to halt its nuclear program through tougher sanctions and stiffer demands than those presented in two rounds of talks conducted with world powers.
Netanyahu, speaking yesterday at a defense conference in Tel Aviv, said he has no doubt that Iran aims to build a nuclear bomb. He repeated previous calls that it stop all uranium enrichment, get rid of nuclear material already produced and dismantle its underground facility near Qom.Full Story
Memo to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: sir, in case you are having a case of "selective memory" on this issue, let me re-state the facts.
1. As a signatory to the NNPT, Iran is perfectly within its rights to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
2. Iran's nuclear sites are consistently inspected by the IAEA. To date, there is zero evidence that any nuclear materials have been diverted toward a nuclear weapons program.
3. Iran has enriched uranium to a 20% level, which - as you know (or should know - you do have science advisors who are familiar with these areas, do you not?!?) is used for the fabrication of medical isotopes. These are for helping people to heal, not blowing people up.
4. Israel, on the other hand, is bristling with nuclear weapons, but refuses to become a signatory to the NNPT, and refuses to allow any of its nuclear sites to be inspected.
5. Under US law (the Symington Amendment, to be specific) it is illegal for this government to give any financial or military aid to any country - like Israel - which possesses nuclear weapons, but refuses to become a signatory to the NNPT and allow inspections of its nuclear sites.
I do hope I have got this sorted for you now!!

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