Sunday, April 15

What Is Israel Hiding From The World

Scores of Pro Palestinian activests were prevented today from entering the ‘Holy Borders’ of the Middle East’s ‘Only Democracy’ …. a truly UNDEMOCRATIC move on the part of te Israeli government…
A Swedish tourist trying to enter Israel was made to sign a “contract” promising she won’t get in touch with “pro-Palestinian” organisations, and acknowledging she’ll get deported if she “gets caught doing even one of these things.” Meanwhile, Prime Minister’s Office released a letter that will be handed to deported Flytilla activists: Go to Syria. 
Check this out. This is a “contract” that a Swedish citizen was required to sign upon entering Israel via the Eilat land crossing:
Taken FROM
Netanyahu had the following ‘Greeting Letter’ prepared for would-be participants in the flytilla…
The Prime Minister’s sarcasm did not stop the message from getting out despite most participants being denied entry into Israel…
People gathered at Charles De Gaule Airport at 5 AM and At 7 AM in
Zaventem, Brussels airport. Other airports had similar gatherings.
In Israel itself, 650  uniformed security and many others under cover waiting to arrest the
Welcome to Palestine participants and welcoming groups of activists in Ben
Gurion airport. Racist member of the Knesset  Michael Ben Ari is also
there. Nine activists were arrested at the airport so far.
Just what is Israel trying to hide by these actions? Perhaps the content of this video touches on just one of the many things. It was prepared by our Associate, Khalid Amayreh, surely an embarrassment to the State of Israel, definitely something the war criminals depicted above would want to hide from the West..

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