Who are the ‘Thought Police’?
By Ken O’Keefe
The holier than thou thought police within the so-called ‘Palestinian Solidarity Movement’ have said the following in response to a recent speech I gave at Middlesex University in London;
‘In line with these principles, we wish to openly state that Ken O’Keefe is not welcome to speak on our campus. We urge Middlesex University Free Palestine Society to distance themselves from his comments, and condemn them as anti-semitic.
‘We invite our fellow student Palestine activists to add their societies names to this statement.’
My response is as follows.
Given that my wife and children are Semitic, it is seems the critical thinking abilities of the above thought police is a bit stunted to say the least. So let me help you out a bit by providing the actual meaning of the word Semitic;
Semitic |səˈmitik|
1 relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
2 of or relating to the peoples who speak these languages, esp. Hebrew and Arabic.
Your lack of linguistic knowledge or more likely participation in the abuse of language with regard to this word is not surprising, especially as it becomes more obvious that the so-called ‘Palestinian Solidarity’ movement is rife with infiltrators and subversives posing as friends and allies of Palestine. As the saying goes, ‘with friends like these, who needs enemies’.
The truth is that my actions, and my words are those of a person unafraid of the political correctness traps to which you seem to have submitted yourself. You might well call me an “anti-American hate monger” and imply that I paint all Americans with the same brush when I have repeatedly called the United States the “greatest terrorist of the 20th and now 21st centuries.” But I have never seen anybody suggest I be banned from speaking for having stated these words.
But alas, speak the words deemed taboo by the thought police and one becomes unworthy of speaking at all. Think of how incredibly holier than thou and up your own arse it makes you sound when many if not all of you, do not have a Palestinian wife/husband, or Palestinian children, who have likely never been to Palestine, certainly have not risked nearly as much as I have in defending Palestine, say that I am unworthy of speaking about Palestine or any other issue in universities where I can assure you, many people would be happy for me to speak. The arrogance and hypocrisy is quite simply over the top. And if there are Palestinians among this cadre of thought police who genuinely think that I am a liability rather than an asset to the Palestinian cause, then stand up and say so. I certainly will respect you for having the balls (in a figurative sense) to say so.
To put things in perspective, just over a year ago I was presented the Key to the City of Gaza by the last elected Prime Minister of Palestine, I guess I will have to settle for that instead of your approval.
Also noted is how you have provided a link to my speech, one that purposely edits out the context of what I said. This is either a massive mistake on your part or a deliberate act that exposes your transparent agenda in attempting to marginalize a genuine ally of the people of Palestine. Just in case you have made a mistake, here is a link to my entire speech;
As if my words in the above speech were not clear, let me repeat, I seek the destruction of every government and institution that is actively participating in the destruction of our world. Some being so corrupt and vile that there seems little to no chance in them being reformed, I include the US, British and Israeli governments in this category, along with the United Nations. All of these entities are vile and disgusting and are taking us straight to hell on Earth via World War III.
Let me be clear however, I do not give a free pass to the crimes of all the other corrupt, racist and violent entities and governments out there. I simply recognize the obvious, in terms of total destruction and suffering, the entities I reserve my greatest scorn for, specifically the so-called ‘western civilization’ I come from, represents the gravest threats we face in this tragic world of ours… we are in truth, barbarians.
As much as you seek to censor me or ban me, all you have really done is expose yourselves and a significant problem facing the Palestinians and everyone else genuinely involved in the struggle for justice. That problem is the false allies of truth and justice, the subversives posing as friends and the dupes to blind to know how much these characters are manipulating them. The direct enemy is plain to see, a more honest enemy, and in this regard I respect this enemy more than the western “liberal” dupe who is either so full of himself, or so corrupt, that he is blind to the traitor to humanity role he plays.
I am a disciple of Malcolm X’s way of thinking, on more than one level. With regard to friends and foes he was astute, he was right. He had no illusions regarding the illusory differences between the Democrats (friends to the black man) and Republicans (racist enemies). “One is the wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.”
In the 1964 presidential elections, when the US presidential candidates were Lyndon B. Johnson (the “peace” candidate) vs. Barry Goldwater (the “war” candidate), Malcolm X exposed the deceit of this phony distinction.
“The shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists,” he said, “knew that the only way people would run towards the fox (Johnson) would be if you showed them the wolf (Goldwater). So they created a ghastly alternative . . . And at the moment he (Johnson) had troops invading the Congo and
South Vietnam.”
“The shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists,” he said, “knew that the only way people would run towards the fox (Johnson) would be if you showed them the wolf (Goldwater). So they created a ghastly alternative . . . And at the moment he (Johnson) had troops invading the Congo and
South Vietnam.”
This is my perspective, you, the thought police and false allies of Palestine, which can even include people with Palestinian blood, are the ones attempting to provide cover for the tyrants by prohibiting meaningful deliberation into matters that are of the most critical importance to our world. A stark example of this is the Jewish supremacism that is of dire consequence to our world. This is the taboo subject you are charged with enforcing, and in doing so you take sides with the same racist, supremacist ideologies you claim to oppose. I am proud to be opposed by you, I shall wear your Scarlet Letter as a badge of honour.
I depart by saying that any group of people, whether it is the disciples of Hitler, the Christian Zionists of America or the Jewish supporters of Israel, or the brainwashed false Muslims, I say loud and clear, any group that believes they are “chosen” by God and thus superior to anyone else, is an enemy of all humanity. Combine this sort of supremacist ideology with the power of America and Israel and we have a recipe for the end of the world. The stakes could not be any higher, and you, my poor, poor minions, are on the wrong side of history. You are not the friends of Palestine or justice, you are the guardians of tyranny whether you know it or not.
Ken O’Keefe
Ken O’Keefe
Thus far the following thought police entities have saw fit to stand by an anti-Ken O’Keefe agenda;
- Glasgow Caledonian University Palestine Society
- Leeds University Palestine Society
- Dundee University Action Palestine
- Edinburgh University Students for Justice in Palestine
- Glasgow University Palestine Society
- Liverpool University Friends of Palestine
It would seem that Scotland has a segment of the population feeling inclined to ban me from Scottish Universities, I invite the people of Scotland to express whether this is representative of their national perspective. If you wish to speak on or against my behalf, please go to the following link and say what you have to say, in fact I encourage all of you to do this. Perhaps the thought police are right, perhaps I should not be allowed to speak at any university in the so-called ‘western civilisation’.
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