Sunday, March 11

The Theatre of the Absurd

Conflict for Profit?  Nothing So Innocent!

By Gordon Duff

I woke up today faced with a John Pilger piece defending Julian Assange.  Simply put, if Pilger told me the sun was out and it was nice outside, I would get a flashlight and umbrella.  Assange was, long ago, exposed as a professional stooge of intelligence agencies.  Then, why would someone try to resurrect him?  Do we all forget that two consistent tales Assange stuck with were that 9/11 investigations are a waste of time and that all Muslims are evil.
Frankly, I find Brevik, the madman murder of Norway and Assange interchangeable.  Brevik, we are told anyway, is insane, another “lone gunman” with dozens of invisible accomplices as usual.  How different is Assange?  He and Murdoch and the aristocracy of liars and manipulators who too the wonderful concept of Wikileaks and turned it inside out, a tool for inserting war mongering tales, hate and prejudice packaged with just enough sugar to fool the blind….
For anyone that cares, here is some simple truth.  The Palestinian people of Judea, the region that contains, among others, Israel and the occupied lands, are hostages.  Yesterday, we had a staged rocket attack and bombing of Gaza.  The only version told was totally false, as usual, nobody even asks why there has never been another side of the story.
The answer is simple, as explained so many times by Gilad Atzmon, who scares the professional exploiters of Jewry to death.  Jews are lied to from birth, taught to live as the victimized, taught the most vile and false version of their own religion and history, instilled with fear, hate and racism and are, in the process, denied freedom of action, thought and for a few or many, the opportunity to live as humans.
Is this unique?
Not hardly.  Look at the political races in the US this year, they are the same thing, race hatred, blacks mostly, is behind the most vile of the propaganda, only rarely openly spoken of.  Those of us who know “who” and “what” know that hating blacks in America is the basis of all political beliefs.  How else do you think poor whites would vote themselves into slavery if not out of ignorance and race hatred.
They are like Israelis.
Everything is a lie.  There is little or no terrorism, never has been.  99% of it was staged to keep Jews fearful.  The 1967 war, like the Suez War before it, was an unprovoked Israeli invasion to seize land.  Now Assange is telling us that the 1973 war was staged between the US, Israel and Egypt to fool Syria into it’s own destruction.
Assange is a delightful mixture of fact and fancy.  He sells himself with facts or lies that people want to hear then instills his spew with fabrications written by intelligence agencies out of Tel Aviv.  That story has been out a long time, why would John Pilger pretend he didn’t see it?
Another fact.  Anti-Zionists, those who continually harp about Israel and continually talk of protecting the Palestinian people, all without one iota of positive effect I might add, are invariably doing so at the direction of the Israeli government.
It is pure theatre.
The fate of Palestinians, a small population who have cost the world trillions of dollars in theatrically staged terrorism, victimization and conflict, has been manipulated in the most visible way, yet no one sees it.
This is simple.  Everyone reporting, from either side, is really from the same side.  Israel lives on criticism, ineffective, easily discredited by their powerful control of world press and networks, their immense wealth, it is all a game.  Nothing makes Israel more happy than attention.
This helps them sell “antisemitism” and “victimization.”  This is why Iran attacks the holocaust and looks for historical inconsistencies.  I believe the holocaust isn’t marketable enough anymore.  Germany is a harmless nation and trying to build a credible threat to Jews who are always being told they will be pushed into the sea is the entire purpose of tens of thousands of whores.
When we learned Israel ran Egypt yet spoke daily of the threat from Egypt, it was never reported.  Mubarak, whose armies terrified the children of Israel for 3 decades now awaits hanging for his 30 years as an Israeli spy.
No one speaks up for the truth, are all impervious to rationality, so lacking in pride that they will lap up lies like a dog eating vomit and say only, “thank you, may I have some more?”
You will hear nothing about the treaty between Israel and Syria against Turkey.  Syria is still an enemy, four decades later, one decade after they became a powerful ally to Tel Aviv.  Were the children of Israel told that if Syria were to drive them to the sea that they should bring a lunch?
Jordan has been run by Israel for decades and Israel and Saudi Arabia have worked hand in hand for 30 years.
Everything is a lie.
All domestic terrorism, as we have long noted, has had FBI roots.  Anyone believe Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist?  His background says “black ops,” his ties to militia movements involves testimony of 15 minutes at meetings, carefully staged, he was always a classic agent provocateur and informant.
I only hope he wasn’t executed and that he and Gaddafi are together somewhere.  Then, why is there no one to speak for the dead children at Oklahoma City, sacrificed as pawns to promote the illusion of domestic terror.
But why listen to me.  I think 9/11 was a $7 billion dollar insurance fraud, blowing up buildings that were uninhabitable because of asbestos, aging, unmarketable, ugly, overinsured, empty, but conveniently recently acquired and destroyed by terrorists and planes as part of a mythology that has led to the impoverishment of the world, the deaths of millions and the violation of all laws of nature.
Try flying an aluminum plane into a steel girder, 4 sided, 3 inches thick, with cool burning fuel and see how much damage you can do.  Make that dozens of such beams, interlaced a hundred thousand times stronger than the plane and then ask yourself why the fires burned two months later 150 feet under ground?   Better yet, just ask nothing, why bother.  Go get some $4 dollar gas instead and don’t ask why it costs that when the “tensions” in with Iran, ones that seem to have been invented in the first place, when they went away a week ago, never effected the price of fuel.
Fuel?  US usage at an all time low.  Europe lower than that.  Use in China way down.  Supply, oversupply at the highest levels in history.  Economic factors in key nations the worst since 1932 and oil prices up 70%?
No time for questions, just pay and pay and worry about a mosque being built in your back yard.  Any of us can always be pushed into the sea, even, as with Israel, we have huge armies, hundreds of nuclear weapons, we are all being pushed into the sea every day or is that rounded up and put into camps, something seemingly far more real.  How I used to make fun of people who talked of FEMA camps.
Sorry.  I was wrong.
Worst of all are the endlessly spewing rabble who call themselves “white supremacists” and “antizionists” who are all under the control of the gangsters who have made Israel what it is today.  99% of “white supremist” groups are run by groups funded by organizations sworn to “protect Jews.”  Think for ten seconds as to why?  We call it “fund raising.”  To me, the term “sucker” comes to mind.  We used to call it “shnook.”  Is there a Hebrew term?
Israel is an apartheid, failed state filled with a millions foreign workers and a population of Jews who have been lied to from birth but who can no longer help seeing failure.  Thus, many will return home, Europe and America, refusing to take part in the theatre of victimization, the phony terrorism, the narcissistic need to create antisemitic hate, something some have been too successful at.
In America, Jews have been unnoticed and accepted for many decades.  Nobody cares if someone is Jewish or not.  Down the list of questions as to background, the last thing anyone here cares about is if their neighbor is Jewish.  Jews in America are totally a part of the country as are, increasingly, America’s Muslims.
Both groups are successful, generally low crime, clean neighborhoods and children who get educated and do well.
This disappoints many who want synagogues burned, who want swatstika’s painted on everything, who want Jews isolated and afraid, isolated and organized, controlled, fear ridden, ignorant and betraying their social conscience.
What is a “self hating Jew?”  This is the term for somoene of Jewish background who supports truth, justice, decency and fairness and stands up against lies.
Why these endless plots, this theatre of the macabre in the Middle East?
The whole thing is a con to manipulate markets, gold, diamonds, banking, oil, arms.
“Ain’t nothin’ Jewish about it.”
60 plus years of lies, Jews and everyone else, has created a history, a reality where America can “deconstitutionalize” itself without fear, where trillions of dollars can be stolen without a word, where poverty can be invisible, where America, once the home of the brave and free can be a violent and oppressive police state at war with an imaginary villain.
Imaginary villains are what keep Americans slaves, what lets them ignore the bleak lives children here, Israel, Gaza, so many areas, will live instead of the plenty and security that technology and advancement never brought, was never meant to.
It was never in the plans.
The world was destined for slavery at the hands of invisible rulers.  Sound far fetched?  Maybe once but now what was once conspiracy theory has become history.
It has already happened.
So, when you read or hear “the news,” who is bombed, who is shot, the endless cycle of fear, violence and hate, know that it is part of a plan, one made by those who see themselves beyond answering to g-ds, to anyone, any government, any law, as though they thought themselves above death itself.
Maybe they are, we will never know.

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