Neda Institute for Scientific Political Research
Neda Institute for Scientific Political Research was established in 1996. Due to the direct impacts of the establishment of the Israeli usurper regime on the international policies, particularly on the Middle East and the world of Islam, a group of researchers, Middle East and international relations of islam's world followers established Neda institute and launched a new move in the developments of the region. The main object of such institute is to acquaintance with the existing political mechanisms in the Middle East as well as a deeper understanding of current social, political, cultural and economic developments of the political units in the region. According to the role and impact of the destructive policies of the holy Quds occupier regime on the countries of the region as well as on the international system, the general direction of the Neda's activities focused on a proper and true cognition in accordance with a scientific approach to the current developments and political events in the Middle East. Thus, understanding the roots of the crisis and being familiar with the intellectual foundations of Zionism and the overt and covert advocates of Israel in the West, particularly the United States, was put on the agenda.
Since then, Neda Institute has succeeded in carriying out a number of applied studies for the addressees and customers. In the light of the expertise capabilities as well as the contacts and considerable credit it has gained in the international arena, Neda Institute has achieved a special status as a professional institute.
The main programs of the Neda Institute are:
* Creating a comprehensive archive of different cultural, social, economic and political issues in the form of books, pamphlets, photos, audiocassettes, visual reports, etc.
* Creating a databank
* Holding scientific meetings, forums and seminars
* Theorizing and producing ideas about the developments in the Middle East
* Spotting problems and providing suggestions and scientific solutions
* Publishing the research findings in the form of books, periodicals, reports,…
* communicating and exchanging ideas with the research centers inside and outside the country
* Setting up specialized working groups in related issues.
As a non-governmental organization, Neda Institute for Scientific Political Research while addressing the elites of the society, producing TV programs and providing consultations with the decision-makers has contributed to the publishing and promoting of knowledge about Palestine and the rights of the palestinians as well as supporting the aspiration of liberated holy Quds.
Since its establishment, Neda Institute has published 12 issues of the Palestine Studies Quarterly and has published 7 books entitled: "Economy of Israel", "Economy of the West Bank and Gaza Strip", "The world Jewish Zionist Organizations", "The Holocaust and Revisionists", "Palestinian Political Activists", "Foreign Relation of the Zionist Regime" and "Zionist Political Activists". There are a number of books prepared by Neda Institute which will be published in near future.
Also, hundreds of thematic bulletins along with different reports about the events and developments in the occupied territories and the role of international Zionism have been published by Neda Institute. Having been in contact with several research centers across the world, participating in the international conferences and seminars, having membership in various committees of the United Nations, presenting several papers in the international seminars and publishing a number of articles in the domestic newspapers are among some of achievements by the Neda Institute.
Palestine Studies Quarterly
"The Palestine Studies Quarterly" with the aim of explaining the obvious and hidden aspects of Zionist Society and Zionist government, attempts to examine the abilities and defects of the occupying enemy.
Investigating Palestinians' problems, occupation of Islamic lands, nature and objectives of peace process, and specifically the return of refugees to their homeland, are of other subjects dealt with in this publication.
"The Palestine Studies Quarterly", according to the Islamic beliefs and from the humanistic point of view, tries to support the palestinians' rights and to explain the realities of Middle East in a scientific and proven way.
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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