Monday, January 23

Zionist, Glodalist NWO Pig Puppet Gingrich 'Wins' SC

The Intel Hub

Newt Gingrich has won the South Carolina Primary, beating out fellow establishment candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum as well as the only real conservative Dr. Ron Paul.

Photo: Wikicommons

Gingrich, despite widespread allegations of misconduct from multiple ex wives, somehow won in a state that bills itself as one of the most conservative in the nation.

How this happened remains a mystery with many questioning how Gingrich could place 1st in the primary while Paul placed 4th when primaries are mostly based off of voter enthusiasm at the time that the vote is cast and many reports prior to the primary indicated that Paul and even the other establishment puppets had much more support than Gingrich just days before the primary.

Eric Blair, writing for Activist Post, asked this very question:

Okay. It’s time somebody says it. Something seems very strange about the GOP primary pre-polling and vote thus far.

As a Ron Paul fan, I didn’t want to seem like a sore loser after the odd Iowa result where the failed no-name Senator, Rick Santorum, was catapulted to victory with very little tangible support.

But now, how on earth could Newt Gingrich win the South Carolina primary when the day before the vote he had to cancel a major campaign stop because of lack of attendance?


Primary elections are traditionally driven by enthusiasm. In other words, the average voter does not turn out for primaries unless they are motivated by a certain candidate. So, could someone please explain to me how Newt Gingrich, who has virtually no ground game, no money, and no fervent supporters, just won the South Carolina primary?

Some within South Carolina have expressed their disgust with tonight’s outcome including Travis McCauley, who is an activist and radio host in his own right.

After hearing the results of tonight’s primary Travis posted a video blog apologizing to the world for South Carolina’s insane choice for president.

The fact that ANY state would actually choose Newt Gingrich over Ron Paul in a major primary just goes to show how much trouble this country is actually in.

Taking even a small look at Gingrich’s record reveals a startling plethora of corruption throughout his destructive (to the American people) career.

Gingrich was and most likely is, although secretly, a strong supporter of carbon taxes and the idea that carbon is the cause of global warming.

He even went as far as to do a commercial with Democrat Nancy Pelosi which was a strategically placed propaganda piece to put forward the idea that global warming is such a danger that it has bipartisan support.

In the late 1990s Gingrich was the center of a major FBI investigation that involved a reported attempt to bribe a major arms dealer, who himself was a FBI informant, for at least 10 million dollars. recently released a groundbreaking investigative report on the scandal which revealed that Gingrich was on his way to being taken down by the FBI investigation until infamous cover up artist and then head of the FBI Louis Freeh stepped in and killed the case.

DCBureau has learned that Gingrich was at the center of a U.S. Justice Department criminal investigation in the late 1990s for a scheme to shake down the arms dealer for a $10 million bribe in exchange for Gingrich using his influence as Speaker to get the Iraq arms embargo lifted so Soghanalian could collect $54 million from Saddam Hussein’s regime for weapons he had delivered during the Iran-Iraq War.


Soghanalian was an FBI informant and was responsible for launching one of the most sensitive and secret investigations in FBI history involving the former Speaker and his second wife.

According to Marianne Gingrich, it took the direct intervention of then FBI Director Louis J. Freeh to “get the investigation called off.” Freeh did not return emails and telephone calls for comment.

Gingrich has also been a strong proponent of geo engineering/terraforming the planet, essentially giving the green light for mad scientists to play god with the environment.

Paul Joseph Watson, writing for, recently exposed Gingrich’s endorsement to what could amount to open chemtrailing of the entire planet.

Gingrich is also a vehement proponent of geoengineering.

Ron PaulGeoengineering is a product of the harebrained and potentially catastrophic scientific fringe which posits that using airliners to dump huge amounts of sulphur into the atmosphere, injecting the oceans with nitrogen, and parking giant spaceships above the earth to block out the sun, is necessary to avert global warming.

“Geo-engineering holds forth the promise of addressing global warming concerns for just a few billion dollars a year,” Gingrich said back in 2008.

“We would have an option to address global warming by rewarding scientific innovation. Bring on American ingenuity. Stop the green pig.”

This power hungry, anti freedom career politician has gone on the record with his belief that certain marijuana “crimes” should carry the death penalty.

In mid December 2011 this fact was widely exposed by the popular online news website Raw Story after presidential candidate Gary Johnson brought it up to a national audience during an appearance on MSNBC yet somehow Gingrich continues to bill himself as a freedom minded anti establishment candidate.

Over the weekend, struggling Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson reminded MSNBC viewers that GOP frontrunner Newt Gingrich had once to called to punish some drug offenders with death.

“Newt Gingrich, in 1997, proposed the death penalty for marijuana — for possession of marijuana above a certain quantity of marijuana,” Johnson explained. “And yet, he is among 100 million Americans who’ve smoked marijuana.”

“I would love to have a discussion with him on the fact that he smoked pot, and under the wrong set of circumstance he proposed the death penalty for, potentially, something that he had committed. I have troubles with that,” he added.

Less than two weeks ago, a Super PAC directly supporting Newts bid for the GOP presidential nomination, received a 5 million dollar donation from noted billionaire Sheldon Adelson who himself is a close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This fact is very startling considering Israel’s push for a war with Iran which could very well start a world war which would kill tens of thousands of people throughout the world.

A Super PAC connected to globalist and new world order stooge Newt Gingrich recently received a 5 million donation from billioniare and hardline Zionist Sheldon Adelson.

The huge donation has increased spotlight on the struggling Gingrich campaign and provides further proof that the last thing that America needs is Newt Gingrich in charge.

The few examples provided above are but a small selection of facts that expose Newt Gingrich as an anti freedom, pro globalism stooge for the New World Order.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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