Tuesday, January 31

Will Canadian Blood and Money be spilled for the ultimate Israeli hegemony in the Middle East?

WRH- Memo to Canadian Foreign Minister Baird: I am really, enormously relieved to hear of how "unbreakable" your bond is with Israel.

Because as the US spirals into an unstoppable, calamitous decline, courtesy of the illegal and immoral wars the US undertook to "save Israel from all its existential threats" in the region (read: all its neighbors), it will soon be Canadian blood and money spent in the same direction; it will be your children, serving in your military, sacrificed upon the altar of ultimate Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.

Please do remember: that is where any foreign governmental "loyalty" to Israel always leads.

Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it.

Canadian FM: PA Statehood Bid 'Profoundly Wrong'
Read Full Story Here

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