The wrong carpenter
with the wrong approach....
The war on Iran
is primarily a war on a third-world-country
that did not , and shall not , bow its head for the west.
This war has started much earlier than we all thinks
it started in Gaza and in Beirut before moving to Damascus , now.
The road to Tehran started ,
from Kabul, via Baghdad , via Gaza ,via Beirut, via Tripoli
and what has happened in Tunis and Cairo was simply a diversion ,from Kabul, via Baghdad , via Gaza ,via Beirut, via Tripoli
a smoke screen and a distraction.
The Third-world , whether Muslim or not ,
must again obey and serve the West.
Moscow is no more the guarantor of the National-Liberation's-
Islam , de-facto , has taking over this role.
the world of the Muslims is now divided into the "western-obedient "
and the non-obedient.
The best example would be Pakistan that has, anyhow ,an atom-bomb
while (or because) it is "Western-obedient "
while Iran is completely the opposite.
Most annoying for the West is, first of all ,
is Iran´s help and support for the Palestinian cause !!
Whether we agree with the Iranian-Mullah´s or not
they remain 10 times more honest than those obedient Saudi-Mullah´s.
The West could not enter into Gaza , the West failed in Beirut
and Damascus shall not be different.....
Raja Chemayel
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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