by Sami Jamil Jadallah
Poor President Barack Obama, Uncle Shlomo, it seems the litmus tests of his loyalty to Israel and Israel First is a war on Iran. No matter what he does for Israel and Israel’s supporters within the American Jewish and Evangelical Christian communities, it is never enough.
For Israel Firsters, it will not be enough until he goes to war with Iran despite the great risk such a war would bring to the US, not to mention the sure destruction of the entire Gulf region.
For Israel Firsters, nothing short of more American blood spilled and trillions more wasted on Israel’s continuous wars in the Middle East will do.
During last presidential campaign, many Israelis and leading American Zionist Jews and opinion makers accused Barack Obama of being a “closet Muslim” because they did not believe he was pro-Israel.
These accusations were made despite the fact that the key financial sponsors of Obama’s rise to the presidency are from the American Jewish community.
I guess his visit to Sderot, to Vad Yashim, to the Wailing Wall, his mandatory presence at the annual AIPAC conference, his sheepish weasel behavior in the Oval Office in the presence of Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, and his backtrack on a commitment to peace are not enough to win the hearts and minds of the mainstream American Jewish community.

Seems That Going to the Wall Was Not Enough for Some Jews - They Want War With Iran as Proof of Submission
Last week, the editor of the Atlanta based Jewish Times Andrew Adler called on and suggested that Israel and Bibi Netanyahu should assassinate President Barack Obama because he is not doing enough against Iran and for Israel.
Not so sure what more the leading Israeli and American Jewish Zionists expect Barack Obama to do for Israel.
Tens of billions in financial and military aid is committed to Israel out of American tax dollars—out of money that we as taxpayers need badly for our own economy.
How about overlooking the sale of US secret technology to third parties? Still not enough?
I guess not. A war with Iran maybe, just might be enough for Obama to prove his loyalty to Israel.
In his recent State of the Union Address, President Obama did not even bother to mention peace in the Middle East based on a two state solution, or make reference Israel’s withdrawal to 67 borders.
He did not even bother with the siege of Gaza, or the siege and total choking of the West Bank and rapid land theft to build more Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories.
Of course, Barrack Obama did find time to reference Palestinian terrorism and anti-Israel rhetoric. As expected, he does not dare to speak out against Israel’s criminal policies.
It is hard to even believe that the White House, Justice Department, FBI, Homeland Security, and Secret Service all decided not to say or do anything about Andrew Adler’s direct threat to the President of the United States.
One has to imagine, what the response would have been if such a threat came from an American Muslim, or an African American, or even from a White Evangelical Christian?
The entire government of Washington would be mobilized with around-the-clock press conferences.
But then Andrew Adler is none of the above. He is Jewish American and Jewish Americans are immune from prosecution and are exempt from all laws that affect the safety of the president and national security.
In his 3 years in office, President Obama continued America’s war against Muslims and Arabs in the Middle East, and did not lose one opportunity to support Israel’s military actions against Palestinians.
He never did a thing to convince Israel to remove one “machsom” or security checkpoint. He did not even bother to explore innovative solutions that could provide security for Israel while lifting the criminal siege of Gaza.
In the United States, Barack Obama did not do a thing to address the concerns of Muslims and Arabs in America.
Instead, he signed into law bills with provisions that put and keep Muslim and Arab Americans at great risk, deeming them guilty until proven innocent, and even if proven innocent they remain suspects.
Barack Obama did not even bother to visit with any Muslim or Arab groups or organizations. He is treating Muslims and Arabs with contempt, as if they are not part of the American community.
Barack Obama is not a closet Muslim; he is an Uncle Shlomo in private and in public and God help America if he succumbs to the Zionist War Lobby that pushes for an attack on Iran.
We do not need more wars for an on behalf of Israel—we have had enough of wars. But Israel and Israel Firsters are demanding that Barack Obama prove his loyalty by going to war against Iran.
The question is will we Americans allow this to happen?
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