Saturday, May 7

What happened right before the Osama Bin Laden event?

Why since the US has known exactly where Osama was since at least 2008 did they choose this past weekend to "off" him Mafia-style?

Is it the non-stop horrendous economic news? The fact that the Department of Justice has been caught red handed feeding weapons to Mexican drug cartels? The obviously bogus birth certificate?

Or was it this?

This happened just one week before the hit team was sent to clean up the OBL mess.

Or is this all a move to rattle the cage in Southwest Asia.

Let's see...

We have an army getting slaughtered in Afghanistan in order to catch and jail these guy, but we let the Three Stooges guard them?

Speaking of the Three Stooges...

If you want proof that someone id dead you keep the f***ing body! You don't throw it into the sea. Is that really a revelation to anyone? Photographs are irrelevant.

Also, generally you formally charge someone with a crime before you execute them. You might event try them in absentia. You know, as in present evidence.

Why was that not done in this case?

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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