Selected Nakba events in Palestine - Join us and be the change you want to see in this world
(there are hundreds of other events around the world).
Thursday 12 May: at Noon demonstration in Izzet Al-Tabib (near Qalqilia).
Friday 13 May: Events and demonstrations after Friday prayers from most mosques (in Bethlehem Omar's mosque)
Saturday 14 May: Starting at 10 AM volunteer work day in land of Al-Walaja that has been declared off-limits to its owners.
Sunday 15 May: at 11 AM Nakba day demonstration at Qalandia (Checkpoint and refugee camp), buses and pooled cars from Bethlehem
A film made in 1950 about the Palestinian Refugees in Gaza following the Nakba and called "Sands of Sorrow"
Also there are more documentary videos on this page:
French group to send aid delegation to Palestine
The Unholy Alliance between The United States and Israel. This ia lengthy article because it is comprehensive. I was interviewed for it. Here is part of what I said:
Dr. Qumsiyeh said if he was able to speak with Pres. Obama directly, he would encourage him to be courageous and take on the powerful lobbying forces that shape America's foreign policy. “I would tell him that it takes courage to make change in the system. That each of us is more powerful than we think. That is why it was possible to challenge the power of the system in Egypt and Tunisia by common people. He knows this having worked as a community organizer. Now that he is president he seems to have lost that courage and is now going along with the system. He has not closed Guantanamo, he has not ended the imperial war on Iraq, he has expanded the imperial war on Afghanistan, he has actually expanded wars in Somalia, Libya et cetera. Where is the ‘change we can believe in?'” Dr. Qumsiyeh asked.
Violations of human rights in Bahrain (a government fully supported by the US)
Zionist groups try to gather data on BDS on campuses
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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