Wednesday, May 4

Israel has no comment on Israeli Warplanes preparing to go go to war against Iran

Tel Aviv refuses to comment on a press TV report about Israeli warplanes conducting military drills in Iraq in preparation for attacking targets on Iran.
Earlier on Monday a source close to prominent Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sader’s group said Israeli jet fighters had conducted drills at a military base in Iraq in order to strike targets inside Iran, the English-language Press TV reported.
According to the report a considerable number of Israeli warplanes, including F-15, F-16, F-18, F-22, and KC-10 jet fighters, were seen at al-Asad base in Iraq.
A spokeswoman for Israel’s army on Monday denied any knowledge of such a report and said that the military did not comment on operational matters, Reuters reported. Israeli leaders have not ruled out military action against Iran, the news agency added.
Based on the report Iraqi officials had not been notified of the exercises, which were conducted in collaboration with the US military.
Pentagon’s Spokesman Colonel Dave Lapan also said there was no truth to the report.

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