Monday, May 9

How to get your copy of the 2010 Edition of The Atlas of Palestine 1917 - 1966 all

Given Dr. Salman Abu Sitta's presentation at the recent Ninth International Al-Awda Convention in Garden Grove California followed by a highly  successful mini tour sponsored by Al-Awda in San Francisco, Houston, and Cleveland, Al-Awda has received numerous inquires on how to order The
2010 Edition of The Atlas of Palestine 1917 - 1966 by Dr. Salman Abu Sitta.

Below is the relevant information. Please circulate to your friends and colleagues who may be interested in ordering their copy of this unique and outstanding book. Every home should have one! Thanks!

Until return

The Atlas of Palestine 1917 - 1966, 2010 Edition
How to Order in the US From Al-Awda

The Atlas of Palestine 1917 - 1966, 2010 Edition is available for immediate shipment through Al-Awda Center in Carlsbad, California. The cost is $250.00 per copy plus $35.00 shipping. To order your copy please send a check or money order addressed to:

Al-Awda, PRRC
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA

Alternatively, you may use your credit card to place your order securely online using the "Add to Cart" button at or by calling Al-Awda Center at
760-918-9441 Monday to Friday 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.

We will be happy to ship copies of the Atlas to countries other than the US. However, you will need to contact us in advance for the cost of shipping.

Alternatively, please view the listing at for distribution centers in other countries.

Thank you!

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is a not for profit tax-exempt educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States of America. Under IRS guidelines, your donations to PRRC are tax-deductible. To donate, please
go to and follow the instructions. To
become a member, go to

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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