Tuesday, April 26

On Easter, mocking Jesus and more

On Easter, Palestinian Christians and Muslims from the West Bank are still forbidden from entering Jerusalem (except holders of special permits, I am not one of those few). In Bethlehem, we still hold the religious observances but it is not a festive occasion since the economy is still devastated by the colonial occupation (Israeli apartheid system) and what is left of the tourism business is controlled by Israeli Zionists.

Mocking Jesus and the crucifixion on Israeli TV

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel threatens the President of the United States
[By the way: the Ashkenazim are descendants of European Khazars, the vast majority of them converted to Rabbinical Judaism in the 8th-10th century AD, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars and Shlomo Sand's book and on the issue of genetic studies, see my analysis as a Medical Geneticist here: http://www.qumsiyeh.org/chapter3/ ]

[Opinion] Recognising Palestine?: The efforts of the Palestinian Authority to push for statehood are nothing more than an elaborate farce, writer says. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/04/2011413152522296883.html

Pressure on law conference threatens free speech by Cecilie Surasky (Jewish Voice for Peace): "Why were these mainstream Jewish organizations so troubled by the academic pursuit of legal approaches to securing Palestinian rights and freedom?" http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/04/20/EDBC1J4JAR.DTL

Pictures of the killers of Vittorio Arrigoni: The lead terrorist it turns out was a Jordanian who tried to kill his partners with a grenade (killing one and injuring another) and then killed himself. He is believed by many to have once worked for Jordanian intelligence services and had arrived in Gaza recently, recruiting young people with a "Salafist" ideology (perhaps to discredit Hamas) http://www.moi.gov.ps/news/25968/

Take Action: House Resolution Provides Israel Impunity for Gaza Crimes
[I urge all people around the world to pressure their governments also on the now clear attempts to subvert and divert the Arab revolutions to serve Western interests. The call should be to end support for the regimes but also not meddle in the uprisings. Supporting the regime in Bahrain and Yemen and trying to interfere in Syria and Libya is not acceptable.]

Egypt girl that helped "incite revolt" (as the system described it) or promote freedom (as we call it). I shared this video before but it is worth sharing again to remind us (Arabs and non-Arabs) of what this is REALLY about. Watch it to the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcSs9_FY0Cs

This blog appears at http://popular-resistance.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-easter-mocking-jesus-and-more.html where you can enter your comments.

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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