Sunday, April 17


Vittorio Arrigoni was murdered.
Why Vittorio?
He has been in Gaza for years, originally arriving on one of the earliest Flotillas. Anyone that knew him can testify that he was a wonderful and dedicated human being. A young man who left his home and loved ones to fight for the cause of Justice and Freedom in Gaza.
Now, ask yourselves who would want to put an end to that cause and those involved in it? The answer should be obvious. Who has been appealing to various nations and the United Nations in particular to not allow future Flotillas to leave for Gaza. Who seems worried that a Flotilla from Turkey would be leaving for Gaza as early as next month?
Even the Jerusalem Post's Pscho Gal dedicates part of her column today to that Flotilla....
The Turkish government stands behind the al- Qaida- and Hamas- linked IHH group. IHH organized last year’s pro-Hamas flotilla to Gaza in which IHH members brutally attacked IDF naval commandoes engaged in a lawful mission to maintain Israel’s lawful maritime blockade of Gaza’s coast. With the support of the Turkish government, IHH is now planning an even larger flotilla to assault Israel’s blockade of Gaza next month.
Still wondering who wants to put an end to the cause I refered to above?
Maybe this will help you understand the situation better....

Israeli HIT LIST Includes Vittorio Utopia Arrigoni

And just who is behind that vile site? Click HERE to see.
The Israeli and International Press was very quick to jump to the conclusion that it was Islamic extremists that carried out the murder of Vittorio. There are elements of those extremists that are involved as collaborators with the Israeli government, some for many years. Some of these 'warm their way' into the hearts of Hamas officials and eventually gain their trust. Not all of them are connected to any Islamic movements, there are some, foreign nationals in particular that do the same. In some cases even getting themselves put up in hotels run by Hamas officials as guests of the State, while all they do during their stay in Gaza is appeal for funds over the Internet and stuff their personal pockets with those funds collected... without giving a dime to the cause people donated to.
People such as those are just as guilty as the Israeli government for the crimes committed against the people of Gaza and those dedicated to the cause. The murder of Vittorio was timed to put fear into those who plan on being on future Flotillas. Only Israel benefits from this. Therefore, I have no other choice to conclude that Israel is responsible for this for all of the reasons mentioned above, and definitely with the active participation of collaborators.
The cause did not and will not die with Vittorio's murder. The cause will continue, will grow in ranks and will eventually help in the Freeing of Gaza and all of Palestine.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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