In case you did not get a chance to read the article by F. William Engdahl, explaining Washington's "New Middle East" project (and how Egypt, and now Libya fit there), here is a good, easy outline of the main points:EGYPT, IRAQ :THE USA'S GREATER MIDDLE EAST![]() The USA wants military and economic control of the 'Greater Middle East' from Morocco to Kazakhstan. Mubarak opposes the 'Greater Middle East' project. On 7 February 2011, at Voltairenet, US analyst F. William Engdahl has written: Egypt’s Revolution: Creative Destruction for a 'Greater Middle East’ Among the points made: 1. This is a repeat of the US-orchestrated colour revolutions that hit the former Soviet countries. The USA is using local opposition leaders coached by the NED (National Endowment for Democracy NED) 2. The USA is trying to orchestrate regime changes in Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Jordan and beyond. 3. The process, sometimes called "creative destruction", has been developed by the Pentagon, US intelligence agencies and various think-tanks such as RAND Corporation over decades. One example was the May 1968 destabilization of De Gaulle in France. 4. The broad outlines of a US strategy are clear. Egypt’s Mubarak was a major obstacle to the larger US agenda. Mubarak was opposed to Obama policies on: A. Iran and how to deal with its nuclear program. B. Obama policies towards the Persian Gulf states, to Syria, to Lebanon and to the Palestinians. 5. The day of the 'remarkably well-coordinated' demonstrations against Mubarak, key members of the Egyptian military were all in Washington as guests of the Pentagon. That neutralized the Army. 6. The 'New Middle East' project is a strategy to break open the states from Morocco to Afghanistan. 7. In the Egypt revolt, the people involved include: Twitter-savvy well-trained youth. Mohammed ElBaradei and other such American organizations. The Muslim Brotherhood, whose links to British and American intelligence and freemasonry are widely reported. A Facebook-based organization calling itself the April 6 Movement. The Kefaya Movement, the main force behind ElBaradei’s candidature. 8. Kefaya is at the heart of mobilizing the Egyptian protest demonstrations that back ElBaradei’s candidacy. US defense establishment think-tank the RAND Corporation has conducted a detailed study of Kefaya. The Kefaya was "sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps, the defense agencies, and the defense Intelligence Community". 9. RAND has been perfecting techniques of regime change under the name "swarming," the method of deploying mass mobs of digitally-linked youth. Washington NGOs are being used to advance the Pentagon agenda of global Full Spectrum Dominance. Egypt by Samer M 10. In May 2009 Hillary Clinton hosted Egyptian activists in Washington under the auspices of Freedom House, another "human rights" Washington-based NGO with a long history of involvement in US-sponsored regime change. Freedom House and US government-funded regime change NGO, National Endowment for Democracy (NED) are at the heart of the uprisings now sweeping across the Islamic world. 11. The USA's Greater Middle East Project aims to bring Islamic countries from Afghanistan to Morocco under the yoke of the dollar system and all that implies. 12. Washington’s NED (National Endowment for Democracy NED) has been preparing regime destabilizations across North Africa and the Middle East since the 2001-2003 US military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The NED website lists Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Sudan. The NED is active from Tibet to Ukraine, from Venezuela to Tunisia, from Kuwait to Morocco in reshaping the world into a New World Order. The architect and first head of the NED, Allen Weinstein, told the Washington Post in 1991 that, "a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA". The NED Board of Directors includes or has included such people as Frank Carlucci and Wesley Clark. Friday, February 11, 2011 Egypt by Eric Nicholas 13. The Greater Middle East is a blueprint to extend US military control to all of the region. And to control the oil of the region. And to control the economies of the region. The G8 Map of Washington’s Greater Middle East extends right to the borders of China and Russia and West to Morocco. 14. An article in the French Le Monde Diplomatique in April 2004 noted, "besides the Arab countries, it covers Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Israel." 15. Notably, in 2004 there was vehement opposition from Mubarak of Egypt and from the King of Saudi Arabia. 16. The idea is to have a Greater Middle East under firm US grip as a major control of the capital flows and energy flows of a future China, Russia and the European Union. The Washington strategy of "creative destruction" is clearly causing sleepless nights not only in the Islamic world but also reportedly in Tel Aviv, and ultimately by now also in Beijing and Moscow and across Central Asia. Egyptians by upyernoz Some figures (Egypt.): 1. Between 1980 and 2007 Egypt’s Human Development Index (HDI) rose 42%. 2. Egypt’s average annual HDI growth was 10th fastest worldwide and almost double the global average. 3. Between 2005 & 2008 Poverty, as defined by those living under $2/day, fell over 11% 4. Only 16% of the population now live on less than $2 per day. 5. The Gini Index, the international measure of wealth inequality, fell 7% between 1999 &2007. 6. The share of the poorest 10% in national income rose 5% and the share of richest 10% fell 6% in the same period. The ratio of the wealth of the richest to the poorest 10% also fell 10%. Egypt - school bus, by coalvillestation Egypt has enjoyed economic growth averaging 4%–5% over the past 25 years. The Egyptian economy was expected to grow at 6.1% in 2010/11. (Egypt - African Economic Outlook) "Egypt held up well during the first round of the global financial crisis thanks to its reformed banking sector and low integration into global financial markets as a whole." (Egypt - African Economic Outlook) ~~ From / "This is an alliance aimed at reshaping the entire region on the basis of freedom and equality, and in order to change and awaken societies that deserve a better life. What is wrong with presenting this message loud and clear? "Yes, we are [the U.S.'s] allies, and this alliance grows with every crisis in the region. This alliance is based on principles which permit no-one to interfere with our affairs. It is our policy and our reform alone that leads us to join the policy lines of our strongest ally -politically, economically, and socially -for the sake of a society that is free in every sense of the word ... "The lie Behind the Inciting Claims that the U.S. Is the Great Satan Must Be Exposed" - Al-Ahram, Ahmad Naji Kamha, 2005 |
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